To Be Free

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I have no recollection of my memory. All I know is my name and that I have no parents or other family. I have no clue what brought me here of all places but I'll do whatever it takes to leave.

"WAKE UP EVELEEN!" Ms. Susanne screamed as I shot out of bed. I was dreaming of... someone... I wasn't sure who, but I thought that if I were to wait just a while longer, I would know. This type of dream happens to me all in a great while. That's how I found out my name. Ms. Susanne asked me my name when I first arrived and I kept silent, pretty sure she wouldn't accept the answer of "I don't know." She gave me the night to think of it. That night I was lucky enough to have a dream connected to my lost past. In my dream there were two people, a husband and wife probably, with a young child in their arms. "We'll call her... Eveleen." The woman said with a kind smile on her face. Ms. Susanne was nothing like the kind woman who held the child. Which reassured me that she wasn't related to me, thankfully.

Ms. Susanne is the leader of this hell of a household. I am one but 5 other children in this dreaded place. The only thing I have in common with these other children is that none of us have parents, and Ms. Susanne was "nice" enough to take us in. Ms. Susanne is a skinny woman about 6 feet tall. She doesn't seem all that threatening, with her brown hair that rests easily on her shoulders and her green eyes, but she is the scariest person I have ever met. Well, that isn't saying much since I really don't know anyone besides the people who live here...


She glared at me. I felt like I was about to crumble to pieces. Her voice was loud enough for the whole neighborhood to hear. "GET TO WORK!" She hollered and shoved a mop and bucket into my hands and stormed out of the room mumbling "Useless children..."

I sat back down on my old creaky bed. I let out a huge sigh and almost started to cry. Again that evil witch ruined my chance of knowing ONE thing from my past. I was used to getting work everyday and doing it non stop until dinner. I rarely had these dreams that connected to my past, and without even knowing it, Ms. Susanne seemed to ruin those, too.

I tried to recall the face from my dream. I could go from there. I saw only a face and from what I remembered, it was the face of a girl. Someone my age. She had shiny brown hair unlike mine, which was messy and blonde. She had a bright smile and blue shining eyes. She looked nothing like me, she had beautiful brown hair and cheery blue eyes, I have messy blonde hair and boring grey eyes. I couldn't quite place the girl. Only if I would've gotten farther into my dream. I sat thinking of her for a while hoping not to get caught day dreaming while I was supposed to be working. There was a knock at the door

"Hey... Eveleen..." A head poked through the door. It was Evan. His kind blue eyes saw my hurt and he walked in and sat besides me. "I know she's evil, but it's the only place we can go, unless you would like to be arrested..." He pushed his dirty blonde hair from his face and gave me a half hearted smile. "I... Saw someone... In my dream..." I looked at the ground hoping Evan wouldn't see my pain. "Don't worry, Eveleen. One day, we'll leave here and I'll help you recover your memory, trust me..." He smiled standing up. I stood too. I looked around the messy room. Floorboards were broken and some missing. This was a hazard for the younger children. The blue paint was chipping and the room had five beds all with worn blankets resting on top. These five beds rested against the left side of the wall. I slept by Diamond and Avery. Fortune, Lawrence, and Evan all slept by each other farther from the door than us 3 girls were. We were lucky enough to have our own beds. I thought of the 5 of us, living together as a family, able to leave this messiness behind. The thought made me smile. "Okay, well you better promise..." I said holding out my pinkie. "You bet Eveleen," Evan took his pinkie and wrapped around mine. "I, Evan Mclaney promise to change our lives for the better." He smiled and left the room. I only wished that his promise could possibly become true...

From what Evan, Fortune, and Diamond have told me, the government seems to have taken a turn for the worse. "It's MUTANY I tell ya!" Forutne said with his cute british accent one evening while the four of us sat at our break table.

He scowled at the newspaper and threw it on the table. Evan laughed at his frustration. "Well you can't blame 'em," he said his laughter fading. "The government can't trust younger kids to handle themselves out in the real world." "Yeah but make a law against it?" Diamond sounded awestruck as she blew her red bangs from her face. I sat not saying a word. I was 12 then and it was my first year with Ms. Susanne and the other children. I didn't really know any of them that well.

"Well, those bloody people better repeal these laws... They're ignorant... ""Children can not be out or living without someone of the age 25 or older accompaining them." "No children can be outdoors between 2pm to 12pm the next day" might as well go no where!" Fortune scoffed as he filled his mouth with a small blueberry muffin. His brown eyes were filled with hate. "All because of one stupid kid who got too smart and almost defeated the government once and for all... They know none of us will ever get that smart, but why make all pf these laws that ruin our childhood?" Diamond

inquired. Evan and Fortune just shrugged.

"Because they're afraid."

The three of them looked at me as if I've just learned how to talk. "What?" They all said in unision suddenly having interest in me. "Well... The reason we aren't allowed to go to school until 14 is because by then we should be able to read pretty well. Read books about the government. Fortune, many kids would say you are blessed to read, can eiter of you read?" Evan and Diamond shook their heads.

"That's what I thought, so Fortune, though it may not seem like a gift, don't go reading everything you see out in public or the government might catch you," there was silence as everyone pondered what I've just said. "Well, why would you say that, dear?" Fortune said to me as if I was just a meer child, even though I was a whole year older than him. "The kid that almost destroyed the government read some top secret information that he found at his dads desk... His dad, who worked for the government, had no idea what was going on, so after he discovered all of the governments weaknesses, the kid started taking down the government from the inside with no one knowing. It was luck that the dad found out when he did. That's why they also outlawed reading to anyone who isn't a government official. So this is the last paper we are ever getting." I announced pointing at a line in the paper Fortune hasn't yet gotten to.

He read it quickly. "But you are missing one part my dear," he said as if my thoughts didn't impress him the slightest. He slid the paper to me. "Guessing you can read that is..." He traced a line of words with his finger. I snatched up the paper. It said that any child at the age of 14 is eligible to learn how to read.

"What a fine time to start learning." I almost laughed. 14 and finally able to learn how to read? Boy was I blesses, though I didn't know who to thank, I was grateful I could read. "So why are they letting us read then?" Fortune asked, obviously wanting to be right about the government being outlandish. "Why don't you go and ask them?" I said, though a bit cruel, I wasn't pleased by his attitude. I simply got up and left and we never talked about the govenment since.


So who do you think the girl from Eveleens dream is?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2013 ⏰

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