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The year was 1738 just before the battle of newell. Jeff was born on planet gape. Planet gape was run by a cruel leader kim jong un. Jeffs father Lucas said to his son that he would do great things. Lucas trained Jeff so he could be the very best like no one was before. Kim jong un would surely die at the hands of Jeff. Lucas taught jeff how to shoot a gun not how to fight lucas thought fighting was for pussies just fucking shoot his ass and hes dead. Jeff was a master gunsmith at the age of 10. Lucas's plan was to somehow sneak into gape HQ where kim was. Lucas went to the front gate and killed the two front guards he walked up and then shot straight in the head. Jeffrey screamed nooooooo. Welp i never liked that bitch anyways he kept moving killing guards and going up staircases. Till finally he saw kim Kim took out his sword jeff shot kim blocked kim ran towards jeff jeff shot kim in the foot. Kim smashed on the floor bleeding. Fuck kim said. Jeff shot him in the face. Im the king of gape Jeff screamed.

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