Chapter One

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My heels made loud echoes as I marched down the empty hall toward my English class. I had in my right hand some work I got Zach to do for me while in my left arm one of the latest real leather purses from my moms fashion line.

You might be slightly confused, I am Ashley. I am miss popular and a soon to be model. My parents are divorced but still doing well in their big businesses. I'm 17, going to be 18 in March and I'm graduating next year. That is all I'm aiming for, is to graduate.

Even thought I'm miss popular I have to crush whoever gets in my way, which has caused people to give me the title of "Top Notch Bitch" which I personally don't mind. It shows people that I truly am in power and to not cross me. My two closest friends are Jessica and Kate. Jessica and I have been friends since the beginning of time but Kate only just joined the crew. I feel she only did for popularity but knowing who I am who am I to judge.

Jessica has nice dark eyes and has long, dark flowing hair that reaches past her shoulder like mine. Kate has the same hair style but hers is bright red and she has almond brown eyes. I have dirty blonde hair and bright blue eyes that I am personally proud about. I saw Jessica at the end of the hall which was right beside my English class.

I walk up to her with a sly smirk on my face. She looked pretty worried which meant I had some gossip to hear. "What's new." She pulled out her new cellphone. This is literally the third one this month this girl needs help.

"I don't think you'll like this but it's about Connor." My eye slightly twitched but I had prepared myself for this. "He was seen downtown yesterday with Alice at Starbucks sharing drinks." I hid my anger but as I put my hands into fists my nailed stabbed into my hand.

"He told me that he was busy studying for today's test, that little cheating chimp wait till he gets what he deserves." Jessica smirked because she always thought my relationship with Connor would never last. I know when I went to give him a piece of my mind he will apologize and we will get back together. Like always.

But this time I decided to agree with Jessica and deprive him of my utter beauty and make him truly feel bad for what he did. I wanted him to understand I'm not just a toy for him to play with, that's my job.

I rushed into English class and elegantly sat in my seat at the front. The teacher looked at me and sighed, after all she can't do much. I only sit at the front to look like I actually pay attention. I really am super smart I just ditched the nerd side of me a long time ago, since it really wasn't the super popular type.

Ms. Wakes marched down towards my desk assuming I didn't do my work. "I presume you remembered to bring in your essay today miss Purled?" My eye twitched again, that was my dads last name. After my parents divorced I always stayed with my mother and I even gave up his name.

"It's miss dunces and yes I did do it." I slid the written essay toward her with an evil grin on my face. She didn't look very convinced and rolled her eyes at me. "You did do this right? You didn't have one of your slaves do it for you?" I acted all offended at her statement.

"What are you trying to imply? I did do this thank you very much, I don't like how you are questioning me and I don't think the school board will either!" I slammed my hand on my desk. My dad worked in part of the school board and even though we separated he is willing to do his best to help me get my way.

I felt all the other students looking at me in shock. I generally love attention but this was genuinely quite embarrassing so it felt like a bunch of shadows cornering me into oblivion. But I casually sat down and kept a serious look signalling the teacher to go finish with her lesson.

After all my lessons school was finally over and I was ready to go give Connor a piece of my mind. I texted him to meet me out in the back of the school under the rain shelter. I asked Jessica to wait for me as I did this but I'm not sure if she would 100 percent even if I was doing what she wanted me to do.

Jessica was confusing like that- Connor clearing his throat broke my train of thought and my head shots up at him. I jumped up and looked right at him quickly wiping the smile I had off my face. I tried to as subtly angry as I could but I'm sure I just looked constipated.

"What did you want Ashely." He sounded angry but gave me that sky smile that made my heart melt. "Listen Connor I heard what you were doing last nig-" he quickly cut me off before I could finish.

"Listen Ashley there is actually something I wanted to say..." I knew he would instantly forgive me since I'm so beautiful and plus we have been together for years. "I don't think this whole thing will work out." I felt my lungs tighten as my brain slowed down to try and process this information.

"Um-" My voice was squeaky since I was nervous. "What do you mean...???" He sighed and looked down to his left. He only does that when he has to deliver hard information to someone. My heart was speeding up because I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"What you heard was true and, I'm breaking up with you Ashley. I'm tired of going back and forth, this whole relationship is driving me crazy!" I felt like I was about to cry- heck I was crying!

"You aren't trying to tell me that you really love that bitch Alice more than me!" I sounded pissed since after all I was very. I was falling apart and turning into a hot mess right in front of him.

"Ashley calm down! Alice is a nice girl and she only helped me notice that this relationship will only hurt us both if I don't end it now! It's not that I love her more." I couldn't stop crying I felt horrible. Alice was going to pay... She isn't trying to help Connor she is trying to steal him from me!

"I'm sorry Ashley I just have to... There are plenty of guys who would die to be with you and it's time you go find one who will take care of you." He went to put his hand on my shoulder but I slapped it away. "Don't touch me!" I ran off away from other students so I wouldn't cause a scene until I stopped to think.

What if I do cause a scene? I could see the headlines now, "School's biggest couple breaks up." Or "Connor Ratling breaks Ashley Dunces heart!" But I was too busy running toward Jessica to think about it. I could make this a big thing easily tomorrow.

"I told you he was a dick. He was a good for nothing pleasure seeking douchebag who took you for advantage." I felt the wind go through my hair as Jessica turned onto the highway. "Thanks Jessica I just can't believe he would honestly dump me for that blonde tramp"

We dropped off by a smoothie place which I rarely do and I haven't for a long time. I have been watching my weight very carefully but I feel like this break up will make me a little wider so I have to try and be in control.

Jessica dropped me off at home and I rushed up into my room and plopped onto my huge bed and opened my laptop. There is this person at our school who has an account on our school page called "gossip guru" and I was one of there biggest tippers of information.

I quickly did a brief explanation and sent it. I knew this would be a big topic tomorrow. Even thought a lot of people call me a bitch most of the girls worship me like I'm some sort of queen which to be honest I LOVE. And Connor was right since pretty much every boy at our school (and plenty out) would die to be with me.

But this gave me an idea. Not only could I use this make Connor jealous and want me back but I could crush Alice at the same time! This was the perfect idea and I just can't wait to give that bitch a taste of her own medicine! I decided to give the "Gossip Guru" some false information to help spread around to help give distractions as I set out my plan.

I couldn't wait!

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