23 ~ STUPID!!!

190 14 3

A/N: Dedication to dramione4evr, you guys are so supportive and always have been showing it in your votes, so thanks and sorry for not updating often.

Draco P.O.V

I heard gasps through out the room, even the professors looked shocked. Including Snape. Nobody has ever sat at a different houses' table, especially not a slytherin at a gryffindor.

"What?" I snap, "It's not against any of the rules is it?"

Nobody says anything

"Thought so." I growl turning back to Granger

"He bothering you?" I ask nodding my head towards McLaggen.

"Yeah, sorta." she replies taking a bite of her food.

"Why do you seem like the only one who isn't shocked or surprised at me sitting at your table." I comment tilting my head

"Because i'm not. Like you said, it isn't against the rules, plus Draco Malfoy does what he wants doesn't he?" She states as if it were obvious as she finally looks up.

I grin

"I think your finally catching on." I chuckle, "C'mon" I say getting up

I notice everyone in the room is still quiet and is sitting there watching cautiously

"Where are we going?" she asks picking up her DADA books and walking around the table towards me

"Somewhere special." I smile taking her books

"Does this mean your not ashamed of being seen with me in public?" She almost whispers

"I'm Draco Malfoy I do whatever I want." I say sarcastically, but I smile


Ron P.O.V

"What are they doing?" Harry hisses, "She HATES Malfoy... well at least more than Cormac."

"You weren't in the dungeons with them like I was." I growl

"What happened?" He turns his head towards me

"They were all over each other, flirting, it was disgusting." I say as we continue to whisper

"No way! Is that why you two were fighting this morning?" He asks quietly

"Partly... I think he's brainwashing her. We've got to stop them." I reply setting down my fork

"Agreed." Harry says jumping up, "Hermione, why don't you come sit with us?" He adds

"Sorry Harry," she stops walking, "I'm kinda busy."

"With Malfoy?" I snap

"Yes with Malfoy. Something WRONG with that?" She says

"Yes something VERY wrong with that. Now why don't you come sit with us?" I say

"Sorry boys, but she's coming with me, right Granger?" Malfoy says smirking

"Won't you just let me make my own choices? Why is it so wrong to be with Draco?" She asks angrily

"BECAUSE HE IS A SLYTHERIN! And because he's a bully! DO you NOT remember years one, two, three, four AND five?! He's out for us and ALL Gryffindor's!" I shout

"I've changed, can't you see that? For the better." Malfoy says calmy

He than takes Hermione's hands and starts to escort her out

The whole Hall is quiet. I have to do something and quick. Before I know what I'm doing I'm running after them, I grab Hermione's other hand and pull her away from Malfoy.

I press my lips to hers and take hold of her wrists. I pull away. That was LONG overdue.

"Stay." Is all I whisper


Her hand rakes across my cheek

"Don't you EVER touch me!" Ye yells and bolts out of the hall

I just stand their awkwardly my hand pressed to my cheek

"SEE WHAT YOU'VE DONE? WHY CAN'T YOU LEAVE WELL ENOUGH ALONE? YOU ONLY MAKE THINGS WORSE!" Malfoy shouts before turning to run after Hermione


I feel pain rush through my cheeks as I'm slapped again

"Ow!" I shout glancing to see who did it

"WE ARE DONE RONALD WEASLEY! I HATE YOU!" Lavander shouts rushing out of the Hall

"Wait! Lav!" I start to go after her

Someone places a hand on my shoulder

"Ron, I think you've done enough." Harry says "I'll deal with it" Harry goes after her Ginny following as she glares at me

"Thanks for making out with my roomates, Now everything is great." she says sarcastically before going after Harry.

I sigh, I wasn't thinking, now EVERYONE hates me.

I look up one more time to find the entire Hall staring at me, some with amused looks, others with looks telling me their trying NOT to laugh, but most. With disgust

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