Chapter One

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I closed the cover of the book I got at the library. This one was about once again a love story. One of a girl and boy who hate each other but I'm one night everything changes. And of course-like most YA fiction love stories- this one ended happily.
As for me. I had only been in one relationship. With Andrew Stevens, a boy a met at summer camp. We were together all of my sophomore and junior year. And a few days before the school year ended, he called me in the morning and said he didn't want to be with me and as if that didn't hurt enough, he moved away that weekend. It hurt for a long time but it taught me what I knew very well, the best boys went in fact fictional.
Preferably, Tobias Eaton, Barry Allen, Percy Jackson, Augustus Waters, Lucas Friar, and well, many more.
I preferred books or movies with happy endings. Ones where the two star crossed lovers walked off into the sunset and got married and well- you know the routine.
The reason for that is- well that just doesn't happen in real life. In stories, they cut off when everything is happy. When the relationship is perfect. After "I love you" has been said and the whole world is sunshine and rainbows.
But that never happens in reality. In reality, you can't just cut of the camera when you're happy. In reality you either break up or you both die in the end. It's called life. Horrible non-fictional life. And I more than anyone, couldn't get out of it fast enough.
I hated to be that girl, but my life sucked. I had one parent. Well one was out there somewhere. How would I know she left when she wanted to. I had a dad. He was a good dad. But the thing with the other parent affected him. He stopped being that cheerful dad that I had ages 0-5 and then my mom decided she was bored and well- left. Now at age 17, I was pretty much done. I had three brothers. Well, actually 2. Jessie was actually my cousin. But he's an orphan and He grew up with us. We adopted him after both his parents died in a car accident when he was a baby. He knows he's adopted but he doesn't feel like it. Him and Josh are the same age of 15. Same blue eye and Sandy hair color. About the same short height. People often mistakes them for fraternal twins.
And then there was Parker. He was 12. As the baby he was the crazy one. He craved attention and got it easily. Wasn't the brightest crayon in the box. Jess and Josh would proudly take him down in a academic debate. That would be their favorite thing in the world probably.
As for me... Well not much to tell. Brunette, green eyes. I'm plain. But I could outsmart all the barbies at my high school any day. While they're at the mall, wasting their life away and ruining any future they have, in hopes that they'll marry rich (with the amount of plastic surgery they get they will) I would be at home reading 2 books in a day and working in college applications.
So you may think I'm boring. I kind of am. On the outside. But on the inside I'm not even in this horrible world. I'm in a fictional one. Where a superhero or school quarterback (a fictional hot one. The real ones are just dumb as a pile of trash) comes and falls in love with me and takes me to a fictional world with happy endings. Not exactly daydreaming because I can do it at the same time I'm hearing every word you say. But something similar to it.
"Lynn! Will you take Park to football practice?" My dad yelled.
"Yup!" I shouted. What else did I have to do? My brothers were my only friends. No joke. Like most girls have at least one bestie. Not me. Girls are too much drama and you can't really have a friend that's a boy without one of you wanted it to be something more. Brothers were all I needed.
I ran to the kitchen and grabbed my keys to the Honda we all shared. You would think it would be embarrassing to drive that thing to parties and stuff right? Well it might be if I was invited to any of them. Another thing I don't have to worry about. Being a total loser had actually more good things than you would think
Parker came in wearing his gear.
"Hop in the car kiddo," I ruffled his brown hair an He darted off to the car.
"Thanks sweetie," my dad kissed my head.
"Yeah sure anytime. It's not like I have better things to do," I winked," just be lucky you have me as a teenage daughter. Wouldn't you rather have a nerd with no friends than a slut with tons of friends that's always out doing drugs?" I joked.
"I am very thankful for that," he laughed," love you kiddo."
"Love you," I left the house that I hid inside whenever wasn't in school and hopped into the old car. The only reason we had this crappy thing is cause it's paid off.
I drive the familiar route to Park's practice field.
"Thanks, Lynna," he said as he hopped out of the car.
"Sure thing, Park," I said as he darted off. He was greeted by a whole team who adored him.
Like I said, being UN-popular had its perks. But I will always wonder what it would be like to have people greet me like that.

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