A New Life (Chap. 9) (a witch love story)

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~~~Katheren's P.O.V.~~~

'I believe that you are a witch.' 'I believe that you are a witch.' His words swirled around endlessly in my head. I stumbled through the frigid Settle night as I made my way to my aunt's house. I had known the way because we had dropped off my school stuff before we headed to Daren's house.

Daren. His face also was in my thoughts, accompanying his words. Had he forced me to love him? Or was that all him, just him? Even though I knew he was dangerous, I wanted nothing more than to be with him right now.

But was he really that bad, he had never done anything to harm me. And he wouldn't have used his powers to make me attracted to him; I knew that he was better than that.

Could I be a witch? I looked down at the necklace that I always wore. Was my mother a witch? I couldn't see the charm or spell or whatever he said was on it.

Was Daren just crazy?

No, I knew him well enough to know that that couldn't be true.

I was so confused. I finally got to my aunt's house. I ran up the stairs and into my room, I turned on one of the cd's that I made then fell face down into my bed. 'Twisted' by Carrie Underwood started to play and I groaned.

Even though this wasn't the best song to get my mind off of everything that was running through my head, I started to sing. "...It's twisted, messed up," yeah that's right, "the more I think about it, it's crazy," I knew that too, "but so what? I may never understand it. I'm caught up and I'm hanging on. I gonna love you even if it's wrong..." I stopped singing abruptly and listened to the rest of the song in silence. I did love him, but that was a line that I couldn't cross. I had to stay away form him.

Suddenly, I was crying, I didn't understand the sudden heart wrenching pain I was in. I ended up crying myself to sleep.

* * *

I woke up the next morning groggily and sleep deprived. I kept dreaming about Daren, but I could do that anymore. I had to ignore him completely. My aunt gave me a ride again today. She knew I wasn't in the best of moods, but didn't push me on it. That was one of the things that I loved about her, she gave me space when I needed it.

When I got into math, who else was sitting on my desk but him, I groaned. "What do you want Daren?" I asked venom thick in my voice.

He flinched slightly from my hostility. "I can to apologize" he whispered and to explain some things, just place here me out."

I ignored him and set my bag on the back of my chair. "Get off of my desk please." I didn't get to hear what he said because the bell cut him off. The lecture took all hour, so there was no time that he could try to talk to me, he tried to send me a few notes, but I just brushed them out of my way.

"Kates!" Daren called as I almost ran away from him and towards the science building. He was making ignoring him increasingly difficult.

"What do you want?!?" I hissed at him.

"Will you please you talk to me, you can't ignore me forever..."

"Wanna bet?" I said then, went back to ignoring him. Luckily, he sat on the opposite side of the room than me.

"Okay class," Mr. Berkeley said when second hour had started. "You will be getting new sets today," he started, but when the class started to get excited, he added, "And I will picking where you sit and who you sit next to." There were disappointed murmurs and grunts from all around the room, I was one of them.

Well, I thought, there is no chance that I would be pared up with...him. Out of the twenty-five other students in here, there is almost no chance that that would happen. "Miss Whitney," he teacher's gruff voice interrupted my thoughts, you will sit here," he indicated a seat in the second to last row, "next to... Mr. Coventry."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 29, 2009 ⏰

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