
210 17 1

  You ran your fingers through your tangled, messy hair, humming along to the tune that was playing from the small radio that sat on the sink outside of the shower you now stood in. You raked your hands through it, section by section until it was untangled as
much as you could, and then grabbed the bottle of liquid soap from the side of the shower with your washcloth. You lather up the cloth, rubbing it over your arms, legs, and torso. Over the music, you could've sworn that you heard movement in the house, but ignored it, figuring it was just your imagination. You reached over to grab your shampoo, rubbing the thin white liquid on your palms for a moment, before running it through your hair, moving your hands in a circular motion as you did. Soon enough bubbles began to form between your fingers and all in your hair, bringing a small smile to your face as you thought about what you were planning to do after your shower.

Recently, you had been buying Halloween decorations like crazy and putting them up everywhere to freak people out. And now, every detail of your house was perfect, you had four carved pumpkins that you and your boyfriend had done together, you a decoration in every window facing the street, you had fake spider webs all over, you had a smoke machine, and so many more small details that were just perfect. You were so proud of your house decorations this year, and from this point on, they were only going to get better. For any other person, holidays and things of the sort are no big deal, but because of your parents, you had never been able to decorate for any holiday while you were living with them. But, now that you are of age, you have you have you own place, and you can decorate it as you please.

You felt bad for Tavros because you had been rushing around with him trying to make everything perfect for the upcoming holiday. You need to reward him or figure out something to do with him for all of his hard work in the past few days; you didn't want him to feel unappreciated since you know that his self-esteem is a bit lower than the average troll. You could maybe take him somewhere he enjoys to be, like the beach or the park. He loved being outside, and ever since him and the rest of the troll race had come to live on Earth he had loved the beaches and being outside when it was bright and sunny. You let out a breathy sigh, that was another thing you adored about him. You put your head under the rushing water and rinsed the shampoo out, grabbing the conditioner and putting some in your hair, raking your fingers through it once more.

You stopped singing mid-lyric when you swear you heard something over the music out in the hallway. It sounded like a voice of some sort, which didn't make any sense because you were sure you were home alone, and the only other person who could get in was Tavros, but he had to work all day today, he had told you himself yesterday. Thinking like this made you very paranoid. You are a very jumpy person, so this was normal for you. You reached out from behind the curtain, turning down the volume to see if you could still hear it, and you couldn't so you wrote it off as just your imagination.

"..Along with the people insiiide! What a wonderful, caricature of intimacy! Inside, what a-" You stopped singing along again to listen, and hear noises again! Your eyebrows furrowed in a mixture of annoyance and confusion as you hurried to finish your hair so you could see what was making the noises. You turned the silver knob to off, and stepped out, grabbing a towel of your rack and wrapping it around your dripping torso. You open the bathroom door that leads into the hallway, steam from your shower leaking into the space, and you walked down the hall to your room. You walk into your room, taking the towel off to dry your hair a bit with it, closing the door behind you. You turned to your left to walk toward your closet to pick out your outfit for the day, grabbing the handle to it and twisting it.

"Boo!" You let out a terrified screech, dropping your towel and jumping about six feet in the air. You quickly used your left hand to cover your chest and used to other to cover your.. other area and stared at the figure that had scared you, as he stared at you with an orange tint to his pale grey cheeks. He blushed for a few moments before beginning to laugh, and your face twisted into a hurt and angered look as your cheeks flushed brightly. You grabbed his hand while his eyes were closed because he was laughing do hard, and pulled him to your door, opened it, pushed him out, and slammed the door in his face, locking it so that he couldn't get back in if he tried (which you knew he would). You could hear his muffled laughter through the wood, and tears gathered in your eyes. You held them in and worked on getting dressed, going to your dresser and taking out your underclothes, before going to your closet to pick out a large pale orange sweatshirt, and a pair of black leggings. You put them on one at a time, before grabbing your hair brush and running it through your hair a few time, putting it up in a tight bun, because messy buns are too mainstream for a cool cat like you.

"Uh... [Name]." He chuckled again, "Are you mad at me?" You glared at the door, not answering his question. "Awe. Don't be mad.. It was just a joke. Please come out of there." You continued getting ready, putting on light make-up over a few red spots on your face. After all, you are still a teenager, and your acne doesn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. You heard the door handle twist a few times, and he called your name again, asking you to unlock the door.

"No," You said, putting on some mascara, blinking a few times to get used to it. "go away."

"Okay, if that's what you want," He said, and you heard him walk away from your door and down the steps. You let out a sigh of relief, letting a few tears stream down your cheeks. That was too embarrassing. You wiped the tears away, sitting down and opening your laptop to scroll mindlessly through facebook for god knows how long. After you figured that he had left the house because he thought you weren't going to come out for the rest of the day, you opened your door, walking on the cold wooden steps and going down to the kitchen, opening the refrigerator and grabbing the big bottle of orange juice, before opening the nearby cabinet and grabbing a glass.

You poured the liquid into the clear glass, before taking a sip and walking over to the dining table to take a seat across from Tavros, pretending not to notice that he was there. You look down at your phone and take a few more sips of the juice, feeling his eyes on you the entire time. "Uh, how long are you going to ignore me, [Name]?" He said, giving you a pleading look before continuing, "I'm sorry I scared you and accidentally saw you naked. But hey, uh, it isn't like I haven't seen you before..." He said jokingly and awkwardly, trying to lighten the mood, but you weren't having it.

"Tavros!" You exclaimed, an annoyed look on your face.

"Heh, uh, anyway, are you hungry?" You gave him an expression that basically said "duh" without you even opening your mouth. "Okay. Where do you want to eat?" You open your mouth to answer for a second, but decided not to let him off the hook so easily, and shrugged, nose pointed up and away from him. "What if I make you breakfast and then we go and decorate a little more?" You shrugged again and he let out a sigh, standing and walking toward the kitchen. You heard pot and pans clanging, and he hummed a bit as he worked on whatever he was making.

You stared at his back and waist as he cooked, humming a tune that sounded quite familiar, but you couldn't place what it was. You really wanted to be mad at him, but you knew you could only last so long before you gave in. He was just so adorable all of the time. You mindlessly placed your elbow on the table, and propped your head upon your hand, and staring at him in thought. You were so lucky to have someone as sweet as he is. He sticks around, good days and bad, and on the bad days, he does things that he knows will make you smile. You just can't believe out of all of the people he could've dated, he chose to date you. You sighed once again, giving up on being mad and letting out a curse, as you stood and walked over to stand behind him.

You lean forward and snuggle your head into his back, wrapping your arms around his slim waist. "Umph sormmy." You said, your words being slightly muffled by the shirt.

You could practically feel his smile when he said, "What was that, [Name]? I didn't hear you."

You glared up at the back of his head, "Shut up, you know what I said." He chuckled, turning around to face you. He held your shoulders and leaned down, planting a short but sweet kiss on your forehead.

"I know. Now, if you're done being, uh, mad at me, will you please, uh, help me finish these pancakes? Because, I think I made too much batter..." He trailed off, making you let out a giggle, and you got on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek.

"Sure," You gave him a smile, a smile in which he returned. "..I love you, Tavros."

"Flushed for you too, [Name]."

Wow, you were lucky. So lucky.

A/N! Whoa, that was fluffy! That was so fluffy it might as well have been cotton candy! Heheh, hey cupcakes! Sorry that this took me so long to write. I've had little to no time to write in the past few weeks, and when I did have time, I never got to finish any. Stupid school. Anyway, here you go! (Also, if you haven't heard Panic! At the Disco's new song you NEED to go and listen.

Thanks for reading! :33

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2015 ⏰

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