This Is Not Happening...I'm Stuck In An Elevator?!...With My Enemy?!!

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   Today started out fine, it was nice and sunny outside; I did well on my tests; and after school I decided that I would go to the mall. I stayed in my happy go lucky mood nearly all day and it would have stayed that way, but no, he had to come and mess it all up. He is Ferris and Ferris is my Worst Enemy. Simple enough? I absolutely HATE him! He’s pure evil. I hate him. He hates me. We make each other’s lives living hell.

   Today had just been another day in the life of... I suppose. I managed to get up to lunch without seeing him, but then it turned out that I had 4th period with him, which was English. Let’s get this straight: I love English, but I hate the teacher. He is constantly late and we can go half a lesson before he shows up. Because I was in such a happy mood, I decided that I would just walk straight past Ferris and to my seat quietly and without saying a word. But would he let that happen? No. Instead he thought that it would be funny to annoy me as much as he could. Unfortunately I have the pleasure of sitting in the desk behind him. I told the teacher that it was a bad idea, but no, the stupid man still made me sit there. So as I was saying, I was walking to my seat and then someone tripped me up. Fortunately I caught myself before I could fall; I turned round to see the culprit. Just who I suspected: Ferris. Ugh! He was so annoying. I just ignored it and took my seat.

   That was probably the first time that I had not reacted to anything that Ferris had done to me. Today the teacher was actually on time; he came in and told everyone to take their seats. To get to his seat, Ferris had to walk past me, but could he do it without trying to annoy me? No. As I knew he was about to walk past I just looked down at my desk, trying to ignore him. As he walked past he “accidentally” on purpose knocked his elbow into me.

   “Oh sorry, I didn’t see you there.” He pretended. “Oh never mind...It’s only you.” Dumbass. I just kept my head down and once again paid no attention. Numerous times that lesson he tried to annoy me doing things such as swinging back on his chair and resting his arms on my table and trying to make me react by remarking on things that involved me. Still I paid no attention to him. I was starting to think that I was annoying him by not noticing him or having a comeback for anytime he did something. And as long as it annoyed him, I could deal with it. As soon as the bell rang I upped and left the room to get away from him as quickly as possible so that I wouldn’t retaliate to anymore of his stupid behaviour.

   I was glad when the final bell rang, signalling the beginning of the weekend. Sigh. The weekend...what an amazing invention. I made my way over to the mall and decided that I would go into the bookstore first. The bookstore was on the third level of the mall, so I found an elevator and pressed the button waiting for it to arrive. My iPod was blasting out the sweet melodious sound of Alex Gaskarth’s voice as he sang Lost In Stereo. All Time Low was a guaranteed cure for any problem. Finally the elevator arrived and I stepped inside, I was the only one in the quite spacious elevator. Then someone else got in before the doors closed. I noticed that they were wearing some pretty cool Chuck’s, maybe it was a cute guy. I dared a peek and what I saw made me nearly scream. It was him. Ferris. UGH!

   “Great,” I muttered sarcastically, thinking he couldn’t hear. But he did, he looked up and saw that it was me who was in the lift with him.

   “Ugh! It’s you.” He stated, a tone of disgust in his voice.

   I was done with putting up with this, “Yeah, it’s me. Dumbass.” I muttered the last part under my breath.

   “What did you call me?”

   “I called you a dumbass,” I stated loudly so that he could hear clearly.




   “Fatty.” I couldn’t think of anything else I could call him.

This Is Not Happening...I'm Stuck In An Elevator?!...With My Enemy?!!Where stories live. Discover now