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Words, harsh words especially, can hurt a person more than physical pain.— Taste your own words before you just spit them out. Words can scar people more than you think. It might hurt someone you truly love without intention. So think before you speak. Take it from me. I learned my lesson the hard way.

Maya Hart and I; we had an interesting relationship; a good interesting. She would tease me about almost everything, and I would let her. She would do things that annoyed me so much, but I'd let her do it. We were good friends.

There came a point when one of us started to grow feelings for the other. And that was me. I'd always wanted to talk to her than to anyone else. I felt like I trusted her more than Riley and Farkle. She made me feel certain things.

Everything about her was- is beautiful. Her smile, her eyes, her hair, her laugh. Everything. She's perfect.

I did eventually ask her out. We dated for two years. According to the school yearbook, 'Lucaya' - Riley came up with that ship name for me and Maya - was the cutest couple around.

We made each other happy. She would make fun of me and it would make us both laugh. Then, I would make fun of her and she would get mad, but not so mad, that it was cute.

Sure, we had little fights here and there, but it was never a big deal. But that one day. That one day after her fifteenth birthday, everything fell apart.

She said something that made me so angry. She said something that just made so infuriated that I yelled at her.

I said horrible things to her, that I absolutely regret. I remember seeing her crying, and yelling, saying that I was a jerk and that she never wanted to see me again. And there in that moment she left my life.

At school, she switched classes so that we would have no classes together. She would not even look at me when we were with Riley and Farkle.

Two weeks later, Maya moved to California. The worst day of my life. I couldn't even say goodbye. I couldn't even say sorry.

After that my life began to be a nightmare. My grades started to drop, I started to be the old Lucas, again. Riley and Farkle stayed away from me. And soon enough, they drifted apart. Riley and Farkle didn't hang out anymore. Riley became friends with Missy Bradford somehow, and Farkle, well he joined the Track & Field team; he's the fastest runner.

My parents never did like Maya. They thought she wasn't good enough for me. Truth is, I wasn't good enough for her.

I miss her. I truly do.

The worst part about me telling you this is that tomorrow is her birthday. I don't know how I am going to survive. It'll just remind me that I broke her heart.

I broke her beautiful heart.

I, Lucas Friar, broke Maya Hart's heart.

u n e d i t e d

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2016 ⏰

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