I Thought I Hated You

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'Kamie! We need to get ready quickly! We want to be early!' My best friend Sophie was yelling at me telling me to get ready quicker. She won 2 1D concert tickets and chose me to go with her because we were best friends since 1st grade and we were inseperable. But the thing was I really disliked One Direction. The way they made girls want them with just a blink of an eye. It was disgusting.

'I don't give a fuck about One Direction Soph!' I groaned and she burst into my room furious.

'Don't you ever say that to One Direction. Ever. Or else I will make your life hell.' She told me trying to keep a serious face and we burst into laughter. 'Wear this! You are going to be looking like Louis today.' She said and handed me a outfit. (A/N- Outfit to the side)

'Who is Louis?' I asked confused and she rolled her eyes.

'One of the band members! Now get ready! We need to get the before everyone.' I sighed and took the clothes and headed for my bathroom. I combed my hair and then I straightend it. I added some make up but barely put anything. I did a little dance as I tried to put on my super tight skinny jeans. Then I put my striped shirt on and finally slipped my TOMS on. I grabbed my purse and looked into the mirror, I was satisfied. I wasn't pretty, I really wasn't and I admit it. I walked out of my room finding Sophia typing quickly on her iPhone.

'Ready?' I asked.

'Yeah, lets go!' She said doing an exited dance and grabbed my hand and I started dancing too. A minute later we were inturrupted by my mom.

'Aren't you girls supposed to be at the concert by now?' She asked.

'We are leaving right now! Bye mom!' I said and we stormed out the front door and got into Sophia's brand new car. She got it for her 18th birthday. I on the other hand didn't have a car yet and I was already 18. My parents said I didn't need one yet.

'So, are you happy?' Sophia asked me.

'Not really. I don't really care for One Direction like I said earlier. But at least I'm going to be out for the night' I said and smiled and she nodded.

'Well I am so fucking exited I can't even explain it. I'm surprised I havent burst from exitement yet' She said loudly.


An Hour later we made it to the concert and we were really early so there weren't many people... yet. Sopia got 1st row tickets and we made our way to our seats. We played on our phones until it was time for the concert. The place was extremely packed and it got really loud when 5 boys walked on to the stage. One of them I noticed were wearing the exact same outfit as me! I looked at Sophia and saw a big grin on her face.

'I told you that you were going to be dressing like Louis!'

'That's Louis?' I asked and she nodded.

 When they came on stage they asked what songs the fans wanted them to sing. There were a bunch of things being yelled out. I could make out words like 'What Makes You Beautiful' 'One Thing' and 'Gotta Be You'. I didn't care because I didn't know any songs that they had. Their eyes scanned the crowd and then a boy who had brown curly hair and green eyes told Louis to pick someone. Louis took a second and then pointed in my direction.

'That girl!' He said in a funny voice. Everyone around me fainted and even Sophia did! I rolled my eyes at the boys who were once again effortlessly swooning the girls here. I looked back up on the stage to only to find out that Louis had made eye contact with me. I pointed at myself and mouthed 'Me?'

'Yes you! The girl who keeps rolling her eyes!' Then I was confirmed it was me. I nervously walked up to the stage and tried to climb up. I boy who had brown eyes and a black quiff came to come and help me up.

'Thanks' I told him and he just smiled back.

I walked up to where Louis was standing and stood next to him.

'Oh Em Geee! We are like twinnies!!' Louis started jumping up and down while holding my hand faking a girl voice. 'Ok. So which song?' He asked me and I was left speechless... I didn't know any of thier songs. I cupped my hands and whispered into his ear 'I don't know any songs of yours' He nodded.

'Ok Twinnie! Rock Me it is!' he said and then he turns off the microphone and tells me 'Go backstage and wait until the concert is over. We will be there shortly' and he smiles a friendly smile. I nod and jog over backstage. I'm standing there alone until a girl walks runs up to me and engulfs me in a big bear hug and I hug her back. We both pull out and then she sticks her arm out for me to shake it and I do.

'Hey girl! My names Danielle Peazer!' She says with a giant smile on her face. She was beautiful and perfect.

'My name is Kamie Wisther!' I reply back she grabs my hand and leads me toward some couches towards the back and we both sit.

'So how do you know the boys?' I asked her because I was curious.

'I'm Liams girlfriend.' she responds.

'Oh, I see' I said but the thing was I didn't know which one was Liam was. I only knew one of thier names. Louis. And that was only because Sophia told me. Wait, Sophia was still back at the concert!

'Danielle, can I just text my friend where I am? She would be worried sick if I didn't' I asked

'Sure thing!' I whipped out my phone

Hey Sophs... I'm backstage make sure to tell my mom too. I might be coming late xx


'So whats it like being around the boys?' I asked once again curious.

'Its like being around your best friends! When you are with them you forget they are famous and its like a normal day with your very crazy besties' She laughed and we continued talking about girly things and kind of became best friends already. Our conversation is interrupted minutes later when we hear the boys scsreaming. We turn around to see that the boys were running towards us. They jumped on the couch and the couch tipped over and then we were a big pile of people laughing loudly.

'Louis! Get your face out of my boobs!' I yelled. Louis was pushed on to me by Niall as we tried to get off of the floor. He didn't mean it but it hurt like hell.

'No Jimmy Protested!' He yelled back but took lifted his head off. It took a few minutes for us to untangle ourselves and stop laughing.

'Whats your name love?' One of the 5 boys asked me.

'Kamie Wisther. And can you guys introduce yourselves? I only know Louis' name to be honest.. and I wouldn't know his name if my best friend didn't tell me.' I said and everyone else laughed. They all introduced themselves.

'So... what did your friend say about us?' Zayn asked and I chuckled.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2013 ⏰

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