When it started.

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"Text Cory- I'm so glad I have you. Exclamation point." Topanga said to Siri. She never realized how much hitting send without proof reading would change her life.
A few seconds later Cory got the text.
"I'm so glad I hate you!" The text read.
"She hates me?" Cory thought and out of anger he sent this text.
"Well I'm so glad I hate you!"
When Topanga got the text tears formed in her eyes. She thought for a second and decided not to reply. Topanga looked over at the clock. 3:56.
  "Thank goodness" she thought, "I can leave in about an hour." But than she remembered Cory'd be there. She couldn't face him. He was probably all ready home, sitting on the couch, grading papers.
"Why did he send me that text?" She wondered, not bothering to look back at the text before that. Topanga continued to read though cases for the next hour She saw a case for a divorce and read though it.
"Oh my gosh," she said to herself, "they are divorcing all because of a small fight. I can't let that happen to me and Cory!" Topanga looked back at the clock. 4:59. "Thank goodness," Topanga thought as she packed her stuff, "but where to go? I can't go home yet, and face Cory!" Topanga decided to pick up dinner for her family. She went to Super Cluck and got a bucket of chicken with biscuits, mashed potatoes, and gravy. While driving home she continued to think. Things like why? "Why did he do that to her?" Tears began to form in her eyes and she made a choice to pull over at Central Park. She texted Riley.
"Can I come in though your window? Dad and I are having a small argument."
Riley quickly wrote back.
Riley was however kinda scared. Her parents new fought. If they did they immediately worked it out. This had to be bad. Other than the chicken incident Cory or Topanga never utilized the bay window.
About 15 minutes later Topanga climbed up to Riley's room.
"Super Cluck!" The exited teenager said.
"Let's take this to the kitchen," Topanga said with a plastic smile while carrying the chicken.
"Cory," she said awkwardly to her husband.
"Topanga?" He said as weird as he could. Which was hard. It has a weird feeling to make that name sound weirder than it already is.
"Are you and mommy having a fight?" Auggie asked.
Cory and Topanga looked at each other.
"No, no, buba," Cory said.
"It's ok," Auggie said, "this morning Ava and I fought because I forgot to bring her a cupcake for lunch."
"This is weird," Riley thought while setting the table. She made sure to put Her parents plates as far as possible from each other's.
When everyone sat down, it was extremely awkward. Nobody talked.
"How was your day?" Riley finally asked Auggie.
"Alright," he said.
For the rest of dinner nobody really talked. The only noise was the occasional "can you pass the something"
  After dinner Riley helped Auggie get ready for bed so her parents could talk. Riley tucked Auggie in and red him The Hungry Caterpillar. Than she went to her room to do some ease dropping.
"Why did you send me-"
"Why did I? Why did you?"
"Cory Matthews! I hate you!"
"Well Topanga Lawrence, I hate you more!"
Riley quickly figured out this was bad.
"Lawrence? We are legally married and I took your last name." Than she heard some slamming doors and crying. Riley fell asleep so she could wake up, and maybe it would be a dream. Only it wasn't. When Riley woke up the next day, there were only 3 people in the house.
"Where's mommy?" A concerned Auggie asked.
"I don't know," Cory said but you know he was lying. Riley looked down at her plate, this was so awkward for Riley. She never thought her parents would do this, she thought they were the power couple. What happens when your role models are gone?

The fight that changed everything. A Corpanga fanficWhere stories live. Discover now