Language arts

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There is a Boy Scout named Willie. He has arrived at a camp named Camp Aaron Rodgers and Ryan Braun's best. "Wow this place is pretty cool." Willie said. Then Willie goes to a welcome meeting that explains the rules of the camp and what events are going to happen over the weekend. Then Willie gets upset because he hasn't really been able to mess around like his own troop has been able to. Then Willie goes ice fishing with his scout master. Later the troop master leaves Willie to keep fishing. Right after the troop master left Willie gets a big fish and can't hold on. Then someone inspector came to help him whom is J.J. Watt and helps Willie get the fish out of the water, but Willie does not know that J.J. Watt helped him.
"Thank you for helping me get the fish out of the water." said Willie. Then when they were walking back they were talking about the camp and how it was going. Willie said "It is going good with the troop and it is one of the best camps I have ever been to. How about you?"
Mr. Watt said "It's going good as well."
When it came time to eat dinner Willie and his troop got a surprise invite to sit with Aaron Rodgers, J.J. Watt, and Ryan Braun because Willie caught that big fish that could feed every one at the camp. Willie was speech less for the rest of the day and thanked Aaron for inviting his troop to sit with them. His troop master told Willies dad what happened that day. This was a very important moment for Willie and his troop.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2016 ⏰

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