Mothers new doll. part-1

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Carrie, a sixteen year old girl, sat in her room, talking to her friends. "God, I would die if i talked to him." Izzie started. "He's cute, but not to die for..." Nallie said. "You know what Izzie, let Carrie have this one. He seems gentle."

Izzie and Nallie laugh. Carrie blushes and puts her hands on her face. "He's not my type." Carrie remarks. "Oh, he's totally your type, I've seen you staring at him!" Nallie yells. Carrie rolls her eyes and smiles.

An hour passes and Carrie hears the front door open. "I gotta go, my moms home." Carrie whispers. Everyone says their goodbyes and Carrie closes her computer. She exits her room and rushes down stairs. She finds her mother in the kitchen holding a box which read,"Ember; Antique doll." Carrie put her hands on her hips and started talking. "Another doll? That's the second one this month." Carries' mother Lauren, turned around and set the box down and started opening the box. "You're going to love this one, she stands, has black hair, a red dress, and has a hair net."

Lauren removed the last bit of tape that held the box closed. She opened the box. Carrie notice a foul smell coming from the doll. "Did something die?" Carrie cried. "No, her story is that she was poorly taken care of, and I heard from an employee that she was in a ritual. They said that once the doll is comfortable with us, she'll start moving around." Lauren turned around and winked. "But what do they know. A ritually used doll certainly couldn't have been possessed!"

This caught Carrie off guard. "Mom, i swear to you if this thing starts walking around, its going in the garbage."
Lauren giggled. "Its your doll, do as you please." Carrie was shocked to hear that her mother had given her the doll. This would be the very first doll Carries' mother would have given to her, and it would probably be the last. Lauren exits the room, leaving Carrie and her doll. "God, you couldn't have smelled a little better could you..." Carrie said under her breath.

She takes the doll to her room and places it on her bed. Carrie sits and stares at the doll, looking at every small detail. Its skin was pail, Its eyes were a dark blue, and its lips painted a rose red. Carrie notice a few small cracks on the side of her eyes and where her forehead met her hair.

Carrie took some paint and touch up that her mother had laying around the homes' office.
She ran back into her room and noticed that the doll was no longer laying on the bed, but was sitting on on a chair next to the rooms window. Carrie stood at the doors threshold, staring at the doll. Lauren noticed Carrie not moving and called out to her. Carrie turned and looked at her mom. "You ok, lillypad?" Carrie just stared at her. "Carrie... Talk to me. Whats wrong."
Lauren walked toward Carrie.

Carrie snapped to and started speaking.
"I told you to never call me lillypad..."
Lauren sighed in relieve. "That's your nickname, just own it! Why were you just standing here?" Carrie points to the doll. Lauren walks into the room and sees the doll sitting in the same place Carrie had last seen it. "It moved..." Carrie stuttered. "You're lying... That's so cool! That doll of yours seems to be comfortable with us already." Lauren exclaims.

This wasn't what Carrie wanted to hear. "Take it back, do something with it... I dont want a doll moving around while I'm awake or asleep." "Calm your horses Carrie, there's no need to throw it out."
Carrie grew furious. "I don't want the doll!"
Lauren took her hand and put it on top of her head. "I moved the doll," Lauren said, "I wanted to see how you would react... Now go and make YOUR doll pretty." Lauren leave Carries room and walks down the homes hallway. Carrie inches her way into the room and closes the door behind her. She takes the doll and puts it back on the bed. Carrie places all of the things she took on a small table next to her bed. She sits next to the doll and picks it up to examine the doll more thoroughly. She takes a pen and paper and starts writing all of the areas that needed touching up.

Cracks in and on the side of the eyes, nose, mouth, small chip on left ear, right hand thumb missing, and dress needs to be washed... Badly.
She highlights the part on needing the dress washed. Carrie takes the dress of and sets it to the side and grabs a handful of porcelain putty. She stuffed the cracks with putty and molded it until the cracks were unnoticeable. She let the putty dry for an hour and started on washing the dress.

Once the dress was clean, she went back to fixing up the doll. The dolls lips were painted red, her eye brows black, and her cheeks a light pink.

After a few more hours of painting, touching up, and putting its dress back on, the doll was finally finished. Carrie took the doll and placed it on a small shelf and called it a night.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2015 ⏰

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