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The Hive Five's been having a great day. Ever since Jinx and Seemore left last night to catch Kid Flash, they've ordered pizza, had three successful robberies, two pillow fights, made the biggest fort, and made some attempt to clean up the mess that Kid left behind. They had some pie, Red X came over and helped them fix their systems (for money, of course,) and they totally forgot about sleeping.

Kyd Wykkyd was feeling calm. Most days don't run as smoothly as this one, and he couldn't help but enjoy the lack of stress.

But he knew that the day had to come to an end. Whether it was that the Teen titans chased them, or they started a food fight, he knew someone would get angry at someone from the lack of sleep.

But this... this was the last thing he expected..

Seemore walked through the door, His shoulders slumped, his cheeks wet. Everyone's head turned, the mood raising more than it was before upon seeing him, but Kyd noticed his sorrow face and pained posture.

"How'd It go, Seemore?" Billy asked, Putting down the slice of Pizza he was holding. Kyd figured that by now it was cold, but he was Billy Numerous. It would taste the same to him.

Looking down at the ground, Seemore hugging himself slightly, and shook his head. "It didn't work," He answered.

Usually, the team would dismiss the idea. They always failed! But Seemore's sour voice made his mood obvious to the team, and the whole atmosphere sharpened. Kyd started to worry. Seemore always laughed at their failures, something really had to go wrong for him to act like this.

And Gizmo was the first to notice, taking note of the missing person. He, truthfully, was afraid of the answer but he asked anyway. "Where's Jinx?"

Seemore just shook his head again, hugging himself tighter. Kyd understood that he couldn't talk. If he did, he would cry, but they really needed the answer.

The rest of the team stared, waiting. Nothing could have happened to Jinx, she was Jinx! She led them, she took care of them, she put up with them on their worst days.

Mammoth frowned, "What happened to her?"

Seemore shook his head again, tears slipping from under the piece of metal that held his fake eye in place. Why did he have to tell them the news?

Gizmo was starting to get impatient. He got that something was wrong, but how were they supposed to do anything if they didn't know what happened?! "Just stop being such a bitter box and tell us already!"

"She- she left," He finally managed, the shock of Gizmo's outburst overpowering his sadness. "She left forever. She joined the Titans."


Seemore was the first to break down.

Right there, right when he told them, as they stared at him in numb shock, he dropped to his knees as they gave way and cried.

Maybe he was the first to cry because he saw her leave with his own eyes, leaving them- her Family. Maybe it was because he was the most sensitive, or because he had the hardest life and this wasn't helping. Maybe it was out of confusion, or hurt, or anger. Maybe it was out of his hate for Kid Flash, or because now there was no one to take care of the team, or someone to lead them in their wrong-doings. Maybe he cried because he loves her.

But he cried first, and that's all that really mattered. He cried first as the rest of his team stared. He cried first, on the floor in their destroyed living room.

He was the first to cry about their missing family member.

They cared about her. She always cared for them. They were always there for her. She was there for them. They loved her. He loved her. She never loved any of them back, did she?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2015 ⏰

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