What's Love Got To Do With It?

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" Coming" You yelled from upstairs. It was the first day of high school for you and your mom was yelling at you because she thought that you were going to be late. You didn't really care because there wasn't anyone you really wanted to see at that school anways. You hated school, the only reason you would go is because you were forced to and you LOVED sports! 

"Hurry up before you be late!" Your mom called from downstairs. You shook your super curly hair that was balck and had light brown highlights and looked in the mirrior one last time before heading downstairs, You were wearing this -->  http://www.polyvore.com/simple/set?id=84393146

You had a feeling your mom was going to say something about your outfit but you didn't care. She'd probably say something like, That skirt is too short ... You thought about changing, bt was was the point you were already kinda late. You walked downstairs and you saw you mom starring at you HARD. You knew she was going to say something, but this time you didn't expect her to say this ... "OMG, You're going to have to let me wear that outfit one day!" You rolled your eyes at her an ignored her comment. "Can we go now? I'm going to be late." Your mom grabbed the keys off of the dinning room table and you guys left. You wern't really eager to go to school but you were looking foward on seeing a special someone. You couldn't wait to see Staci (Yes that's a guy) You've been crushing on him for like ever! And when you found out that he's going to be going to the same school as you, but in a higher grade as you (10th) You were stoaked! Staci is a girls name, I know ; I can't help it though. He's just so beautiful. He's tall, light skin, beautiful light brown eyes, and he plays basketball, just like me! I don't think he was into my type though. So I've been told. But the strange thing is he's always blowing up my notifications on Instagram(: I have NO problem with that whatsoever. He also has a girlfriend, her name is Clarissa ; Idk how that's going to work out for them. She tends to be very over protective over her 'boo' and she doesn't even let Staci talk to any other girls that aren't in his family, let alone his female teachers. At least that's what I had heard from my best friend Kourtney. She also goes to Canyon but she's a grade higher than me, which would make her in the same grade as Clarissa and Staci. I've never really saw Clarissa in peron and I had no clue what she looked like. Kourtney told me, If you see a girl that you might think is Clarissa ; There's a 95% chance it's her. Just looked for a slutty girl. You laughed out loud of the thought of that and your Ma gave you the weirdest look ever, like wth is she laughing for? You just ignored her.

The whole way to Canyon you kept thinking about Staci & If he would look different. The last time you saw him was over the summer, like a month ago at The 99 cent store in Los Angeles. It was really awkard because you guess kept having eye contact & You were with your Aunt Simone. She was giving you the death stare too! Haha. Canyon is kinda far from your house and your mom decieded that she'll drop you off on the first day of school because you didn't really wanna walk to your bus stop that was like 7 blocks away.

When you got out of your Mom's car she gave you $20 for lunch and she gave you a kiss good bye on the cheek, You thanked her and shut the door of her Cadillac Escalade. When you walked infront of the school you saw a group of smoke alarm ratchets looking at you. You tryed to ignore them until Staci saw you and came up to you. 

"Hey Y/N. Do you remember me?"

Your thoughts: How can I forget your sexy ass?! I'm whipped! I've had a crush on you for almost for years now. Why are you even talking to me? I mean look at me. You're gorgeous & You can practically have any female you want at this school and you're talking to a potatoe... How do you even remember my name?! I'm so in there!

" Uh, Yeah...Staci right?"

"Yup! I remember seeing your pretty face at the 99 cent store in LA. Haha, I was going to say something but it looked like you were with your mom."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2013 ⏰

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