first sight

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You were with your best friend (Y/BF/N) at Starbucks talking about that crazy night you guys just had. "Yeah, that was one wild-" she stopped and looked at someone who had just walked in the door.

You turned around to see the one and only Robbie Kay. He looked at you and smiled as he got in line to order his coffee. You've been obsessed with him ever since the movie "Ways to live forever" that came out when you were younger. You watched every movie and show he was in, your favorite being his recent show "Once Upon A Time"

"Oh my God its Robbie Kay." You said in complete and utter shock.

Your cheeks started to redden as he walked past you looking at you and smiling again. You smiled back and (Y/BF/N) started laughing at something.

"What's so funny?" You asked. "He's still staring at you." "What do you mean he's still staring at me?" You turned around to see Robbie staring at you. He cocked an eyebrow as you guys kept staring at each other.

"I'm going to the restroom. Don't get into any trouble while I'm gone." (Y/BF/N) said smiling.

"Trust me. I won't." You laughed

Robbie's POV

She was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I couldn't look away.

As her friend started to get up from the table, I knew that was my chance to go and talk to her. I got up from my table and went to sit across from her. When she looked up, she jumped a little like she was startled to see me.

"Uh hi," she said giggling. Oh that giggle. It was so cute. "Hello love, I'm Robbie, what's your name?" I asked giving her a warm friendly smile.

"(Y/N). Nice to meet you Robbie." she said smiling back. "That's a beautiful name you have" I said looking into her (Y/E/C) eyes. They were so lovely, just like her.

"Thank you" she mumbled looking down while blushing. I knew what I had to do now.

Your POV

Your face kept reddening by the second. You looked back up to see Robbie looking at you. Studying all your features. As if he'll never see your face ever again.

"I'd really love to take you out sometime. Say Saturday at 5 o'clock?" He asked smiling. You stayed silent but nodded slowly acknowledging that you'd love to. You had no words to say due to the excitement and shock building up inside you. "Great!" He said grinning.

He took a napkin and a pen, writing his number on the napkin and giving it to you. "Here's my number. Call or text me whenever you can and we'll talk about the details for Saturday." He smiled. "Okay." you smiled back at him. "Well it was nice talking to you love, but I have to go back on set before I get in trouble." He laughed. You walked him outside and you guys just stood there not knowing what to say.

"Well I'll see you Saturday?" You asked looking up at him. "Of course. Wouldn't miss it for the world." He smiled.

He gave you a kiss on the cheek saying goodbye and getting into his car. You smiled as he drove away, taking in all the just happened.

When you got back inside you saw (Y/BF/N) smiling at you and cocking an eyebrow. "I thought I told you to stay out of trouble young lady." she said laughing. "I did." You said laughing as well.

"So are you going to see him again?" She asked. "As a matter of fact I am. Saturday at 5 o'clock." You said confidently smiling at her.

"You're one wild child." She giggled.

"I know."


Hey lovelies! So this is my first imagine and I hope y'all like it. If you have any pointers or tips please let me know so I'll be able to fix anything in future imagines. Love y'all!

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