Chapter 1: How it All Began

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Chapter 1: How it All Began

"I wish I was like all of the other girls at school," I mumble to myself, trying to find a bottle of bubbly water, "but I have to serve my stepmother and stepsisters' every whim!"

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Once upon a time was when I met Dawn Berlitz, a small-town girl from Twinleaf Town. For those of you who would like a little physiology about Dawn, you've come across the right book. Her long, wavy hair is the striking shade of midnight-blue that she keeps up in buttercup-yellow, triangle shaped hair clips, which amazingly helps bring out the beauty in her sparkling, sapphire-blue eyes. Her silky smooth, delicate, ivory skin gives her a special kind of glow when any kind of light hits her just right. On her head, she wears a pearl white beanie with half of a soft pink pokeball pattern on the bottom front border. The rest of her ensemble consists of an ebony black tank-top, which is spike-patterned at the bottom, with a small amount of a white piece of textile, which is spike-patterned at the collar, underneath to help appropriately cover her cleavage, but still show her skin below her collarbone. Her soft pink skirt covers about the upper 1/4 of her thighs, but successfully covers her backside without showing anything inappropriate. She wears ebony-black, knee-high socks underneath her soft pink, knee-low boots with straps over the bridge of her foot.

She once had the good life, living with her parents in their forever dream home. But her world started to change when her mom, Johanna, passed away of a rare disease five short years ago. Her dad then thought Dawn needed some "motherly love," so he started dating this snobby, rich lady from Hearthome City with two snobby, almost "perfect" daughters (well...the two daughters and their mom think so, but everyone else thinks otherwise). And a year later, Dawn's dad sadly decides to marry her stepmother, but dies six months later in a car crash. So, Dawn's stepmother dragged her out of the dream home she once loved and made her and her daugters to Hearthome City. So now, in order to have a bedroom, food, an education, a place to sleep, etc, Dawn now serves the wicked trio day in and day out.

Now who is this "wicked trio" you ask? Well, let me introduce you.

First we have Dawn's stepmother, Fantina. Fantina is not only the beloved Gym Leader of Hearthome City, but she's also an actress that plays many French parts, which is the reason why she's filthy rich, and she's also from a foreign country, giving away why she has a French accent. She's always wearing her violet hair in four poofy pigtails, the two pigtails in top of her head sticking up, representing a pinwheel kind of look. She also wears some kind of purple dress (unless she's on stage) to bring out her violet colored eyes. To her fans and her daughters, she's known to be gracious, polite, elegant, an always wears a smile on her face. But to Dawn, she's the misleading, irritable, double-crossing wicked witch.

Second, we have one of Dawn's stepsisters. Her name is Georgia. Georgia calls herself a "Dragon Buster" and just about all of her Pokemon have the type-advantage compared to a dragon-type Pokemon... but she doesn't have a single dragon-type Pokemon, even though dragon-type moves are super effective against a dragon-type Pokemon. Her dark pink hair, which brings out her sea blue eyes, is worn in a bob so short it looks almost looks like a boy's style hair cut, but the bangs help out. She hides her head under a yellowish-orangish hat. It's not a baseball cap, but it's not a beret either... I prefer to look at it as a beret with a bill. She wears a dark blue-green t-shirt and about mid-thigh length skirt with a turquoise vest over the shirt, and wears wrist-length gloves on her hands that are almost the exact shade of color as her hat. Her socks are the exact same color as her shirt and skirt and can almost go under her skirt if you stretch them out a few more inches. Her boots are about knee-length, with most of the boot being the same color as her gloves, but the soles and the top border of her boot, which is about an inch or two wide going vertically, are the exact same color as her gloves. Most people see her as a spunky, outgoing, and hyperactive girl, which makes up for her smarts... let's just say she isn't the brightest tool in the toolshed. To Dawn, she's the second misleading, irritable, double-crossing witch, but she's not the wicked witch, that title is reserved for Dawn's stepmother.

And finally, we have Dawn's other stepsister. Her name is Ursula. She was a Pokemon Coordinator just like Dawn, but unlike Ursula, Dawn was able to become a Top Coordinator. Sadly, Dawn was forced to legally give the title of Top Coordinator to Ursula. Now, there's a reason why Dawn thinks Ursula is the scariest out of the wicked trio and why Ursula intimidates Dawn the most. First, her eyes are a blood red and seem to pierce through Dawn's soul when she's given the right glare. And even though her hair is pink, she looks like she's wearing two tornados on the side of her head that are supposedly curly pigtails with lavender bows holding them in place. She's mostly wears a frilly, bottom-knee length, Caribbean-blue dress with a frilly (with the exception of the edges of the sleeves), white vest that ties with a lavender bow. She wears white, somewhat see-through tights and white, non open-toe heels with a strap over the bridge of the foot. Now, the reason she's intimidating is because she has a Gabite. Now, I know what all of you dragon-type lovers are thinking: why would Dawn be so scared of a Gabite? The reason she's scared of a Gabite will be revealed later in the story. Anyway, most people see Ursula as a compassionate, understanding, charitable, bright, well-mannered young lady. As for Dawn, she's the third misleading, irritable, double-crossing witch, and can almost be called the second wicked witch... maybe even more wicked than her stepmother. But, unlike her stepmother, she's even scarier than a nightmare given to you by Darkrai.

These three ladies make up the group which Dawn refers to as the "wicked trio." But, these four characters aren't going to be the only ones in our story, that'd be too boring. No, many different characters are in this story, from sidekicks and companions to rivals and archenemies, this story has them all. Dawn's story is also packed with drama, romance, action, comedy, and even a little suspense as the story goes on. As long as you keep reading, you'll find out how Dawn's life goes from upside-down to better than normal.

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