Chapter I -Joe's Charge

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"Death is approaching! Hahahahaha! My love I'll be with you shortly!" He screams as he shoots at the unending waves of enemies. "What's going on back there Joe?" "It's my time to die! And I'll take as many with me as I can!" "Joe stop! This isn't call of duty!" "Yes! This isn't call of duty, this is the call of death!" "Sir Joe has gone nuts." "I understand soldier, but he is still alive now isn't he? Give him some air support and take out as many enemies as possible, he might have gone crazy, but this might just be what we need, to cut down or eliminate the enemy forces." "Sir.." "That's an order soldier." "Sir, yes sir! Joe I have some good news for you." "What?" "We are sending you air support." "Shut it! I'm going to die here, none of our men need to die with me." "Too late Joe."

The jets fly above his head and destroy most of the soldiers in front of him. Joe rushes to the explosions and runs through the smoke to shoot at anything that moves or remains alive. "TIME TO DIE FUCKERS! HAHAHHAHA!" Joe laughs frantically. "How is he still alive?" There are many people talking in the HQ, the general returns to the operator who is in touch with Joe after calling the higher ups. "We have been given permission to call in an ac-130 for Joe, the gunners will notify him when they are in position to give him air support. Don't tell him, this will be a surprise." "Sir are you sure that he will survive for that long?" "If he is still alive then he will." Joe continues to shoot and switch his positions. He switched weapons a few times because he was out of ammo. He took the enemies weapons. "DIE BY YOUR OWN WEAPONS BASTARDS!" After a couple of minutes the enemy starts to bombard Joe with mortar fire. "YOU CAN'T STOP ME! YOUR DEATH IS INEVITEBLE! HAHAHAHHA!" Joe fights his way to the mortars nest, kills everyone and begins to fire at the enemy periodically when he clears his immediate surroundings. "HOW IS IT THAT WE ARE STILL FIGHTING ONE MAN?! WHO THE FUCK IS THIS GUY? He is nuts but he is killing our men one by one." "End him boys." Joe is running out of mortar ammunition. "Come on baby!" He spots more troops with tanks this time! "Fuck. It's not enough for the tanks... FUCK! SHIT!!" Joe fires his last mortar rounds. "COME GET ME FUCKERS!" Joe falls back to get to cover from the tanks. The tanks destroy the mortars. "That's another ally gone!" He is desperately and ecstatically shooting the troops that are getting close, when he notices a chopper flying at his position. "Well then, it was fun." Joe gets out of his cover to charge into his death. But something flies from the sky onto the tanks, helicopter and the troops. "Hey Joe! We are here to give you air support. We know what you want to do here and we will help you get as many enemies into the grave as we can." "Fuck you guys, but thanks." "Sir there are snipers closing in on Joe's position! Deploy our best snipers close to Joe's position to take them out and notify the ac-130 gunners." "Sir yes sir!"

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