Hi my name is Beyonce i'am 15 years old i Love to sing i do always that i have a sing group
the name is Destiny child i have sister name is solange ' bianca nixon
18 years later
I am singing allone my group is not i grupe no more i have i man called Jay -z and he have
i daughter called blue ive carter i have we love i cather and samtines i sing to my littel daughter
and lovit and I sometimes so I have concert when I sing not only to some of my talents just because I love everyone in the world , and sing it all but I miss all of my group, but we still hang out but I do not like paparazzi
paparazzi taking pictures when you do not want it , but they still do what they major in front of the house then take those images into hustet perhaps pictures that this ensure faults are laid out in the network even though you do not want it , it is there , I do not not like it