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Scott's POV

"That last swing was sick, bro!" Kevin said as he walked into the dressing room. I gave him a high five and smiled even though tiredness was really creeping up on me tonight. I was ready to go so I swung my bag over my shoulder and closed the door of my locker, hearing the lock click into its place.

"Thanks, mate." I answered and made a move towards the door. In response Kevin took a few steps to the side, making way for me even though I could have gotten around him just fine. The badge that made me team captain was hidden under the jacket but it still affected how people treated me. Even my best friends.

I walked past him and gave him one last smile, before heading out into the rain. Luckily I lived near the school so I wouldn't have time to get cold, but I would certainly be soaking wet when I stepped through the front door of our house.

Raindrops fell from the dark clouds as I walked through the familiar neighbourhoods with the heavy sports bag on my shoulder. The coach had been extra hard on us and I was even more tired than usual, but excited to see my family after the long day.

My thoughts always wandered freely after the practices, it was one of the side effects of doing sports and I really enjoyed the relaxed state. This was the time when I could gush to myself about cute boys, think about football strategies, plan a birthday present for my brother or just listen to the rain. There were no obligations, and no hurry with anything. This rare feeling was something I had always appreciated and one of the main reasons why I always turned down the ride home that Kevin sometimes offered me. You couldn't really do much thinking when you were clinging to your best friend on top of a motorcycle.

Sometimes the familiar doorstep came too quickly, sometimes it seemed like it'd never arrive. It was funny how time acted around busy thoughts.

Today I didn't have much on my mind since it was a completely normal autumn day of my senior year at high school and I found myself daydreaming about the most random things.

I walked home quickly, not really delighted to stay too long in the rain and really wanting to give my little brother a hug before his bedtime.

He was an adorable blond little boy, only two years old and despite our age gap, I loved him a lot. Not that I didn't love my sister, but she wasn't here that much anymore seeing as she was in college and had moved away from home.

When I opened the front door I heard Mom shout me a hello and Landon's excited shriek. He could already run around on his wobbly feet and indeed there he came, running towards me.

I knelt down to the ground and opened my arms for a hug that he gave me before taking a grip of my pinky and sincerely asking me to read for him with his blue eyes wide open.

"Scotty reads a bedtime story?"

"Please do, we've been running around the apartment for the last hour or two so he should be tired enough." Mom shouted from the kitchen, tiredness clear in her voice. Keeping an eye on her youngest son was probably really tiring and even though she never complained about it I knew she missed working.

I picked up the excited boy from the floor and was only bothered to take my shoes off before carrying him to his bedroom. I was sweaty and my hair was wet from the rain but Landon didn't seem to mind. His hand was playing with the wet strands of my hair as I read him his favorite story. He listened attentively at first but as we neared the end of the story I noticed his eyes were already closed and his breathing even. I still finished the last pages of the story in a much more quiet voice and then left him sleeping in his bed so that I could take a shower.

I sighed contently as the warm water hit my skin. But something was bothering me. I was constantly trying to push the thoughts away but for some reason, they kept coming back. That was probably a result of the reoccurring reminder of the auditions that my friends kept throwing in my face.

They knew I could sing. And for some reason they were convinced that I could act too. But I wasn't so sure.

If I wanted to, this was probably the perfect opportunity. The whole idea of the musical was genius. It had most likely never been done before but I wasn't really surprised that it was here where the premiere would take place. What was a better place to make a gay musical than California, one if the most LGBTQ+ friendly states in the US? And the whole thing about turning the classic, Grease, into a boyxboy musical was daring, but genius. People would really stop and listen.

But the thing about me auditioning for the lead role? I didn't know how I felt about it, but I had better get my thoughts together soon. The auditions were in two weeks.


I had been so tired last night that the thoughts about auditioning hadn't kept me up. I went on with my morning as usual, pushing away the thoughts about singing, and got downstairs to a full chaos. Our normally neat kitchen was full of porridge because Landon had decided he wanted cornflakes, not porridge for breakfast. Mom was trying to calm him down and at the same time keeping his tiny hands away from something else to throw around while Landon was crying about how cornflakes were much better than porridge.

"Morning." Dad said over Landon's crying, cleaning up the cupboard that had also got some stain on it (how had Landon managed to do that? He was two for gods sake). "Porridge?" He asked and gave me a slightly tired but more amused grin. I nodded and got a full bowl, sitting down across from Landon who had calmed down a bit and was now staring intensely at me.

"Scotty likes porridge?" He questioned, looking genuinely confused.

"Of course I do, Mom makes the best porridge." I answered and watched how his eyes widened. After that he seemed to be deep in thought and I finished my breakfast in silence. I think our parents enjoyed the peaceful moment too.

I got up from the table and put the dishes in the dishwasher with Landon's eyes still following my every move.

"Thank you for the breakfast." I said to Mom and she smiled.

"Have a nice day sweetie!" She wished me and I was soon out of the kitchen and on the way out of the house. All the baseball stuff weighed like crazy but after three years, I was pretty much used to it.

The last thing I heard before closing the door was Landon's slightly regretful voice. I chuckled, he was such a silly little boy.

"Can I have some porridge Mommy?"



thank you for reading the first chapter of our new fanfic! this is gonna be a collab between scomichez and I, we hope you like it :) she's gonna be writing Mitch's POV and i'm writing Scott's. comment what you think of it so far :)

kisses, n & a

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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