a. new guy

16 1 2

Markiplier .pov. "get off your ass"said the guy
I got up he ran running away still holding my hand to guide me.

"Aaaaaaaa"screamed a girl .

Crys.pov. I sall a girl "aaaaaàaaaaaaaaaaaa"there were ten. Zombies on top of her GloZelle grabbed my shoulder "we cant save her "said GloZelle

"Get in the car there thousands "said the guy.

We all got in the car "where are we. Going"I asked
Next minute we were at a giant house awesome.

Glozelle .pov. can we really trust him he guide us to are rooms .

"New guy" I yelled it was two a.m in the morning .

I went downstairs and opened the door to lead outside I ran into the forest to run away their probably evil.
Thousands of them zombies chasing me I tripped "aaaaaaaa"I screamed they bit me next minute I was dead .

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2015 ⏰

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