Chapter 1

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People always thought I was a stoner. It was because I was always hungry and super tired, and my constant lack of sleep made me look high. Ironically, I'd never smoked, done drugs, or went drinking and didn't plan on it.

As I opened my locker, I heard somebody walk past me and say, "He smells good for a stoner." I ignored the remark and stacked my books up neatly in my locker (thanks ocd).  I left my book bag in my locker, but I grabbed my grey Georgia Bulldogs beanie and cold coffee.

I shook my mug to see how much coffee the black top was concealing as I put on my beanie. It wasn't quite half a cup, but it was enough to drink. I looked both ways to see nothing but a hallway full of idiots. Carefully, I snuck into the teachers lounge next to my locker and warmed up my coffee in the microwave.

As I walked out, I sipped my coffee and ran into my close friend Justin. Instead of saying our greetings like normal people, we scrunched and tensed our faces at each other as much as we could. We started walking towards the exit and saw that it was overly crowded, and we soon learned why - it was raining excessively hard outside. "Hey, Shawn, wanna go stand in the rain?" He yelled over the crowd. I nodded in response.

We pushed through the crowd and out of the exit to find that the rain had only gotten worse. Within seconds our clothes were soaked, but we didn't care. Justin lightly shoved my shoulder and said, "Dick made of helium cause I'll fuck you up, AYYYYYEEEEE!" He leaned back and threw his hands in the air as we walked.

Thunder clapped around us. We could physically feel the vibrations in the ground, and we saw a brief flash of light which had to be lightning. It started pouring down harder to the point where we couldn't see ten feet in front of us. It was like a solid wall of water pelting down, and it started to sting. I yelled over the rain, "Let's go to Wal-Mart since it's straight ahead!" We put our hands on each others shoulders and chugged forward. We both fell into the mud when we didn't realize we had to step up for the curb, but we got right back up and kept chugging.

We looked inside of Wal-Mart and it was completely dark except for the emergency lights which were super dim. We walked through the automatic doors which were stuck open. There were about twenty or so people at the exit staring out, give or take a few. They made way for the two boys drenched from head to toe as if they had just jumped into a pool.

Justin and I leaned against one of the shelves. A puddle formed around our feet. I said, "I haven't been drenched this bad since the last time I banged your mom." I couldn't quite see his face, but I knew he was smiling.

He replied, "Last time I was this drenched was when I accidentally walked into the dressing room Selena Gomez was in." That response was actually a good one. I had to give him props for that.

I balled my fist and held it vertically, suggesting rock-paper-scissors. This wasn't our first time being trapped in Wal-Mart (completely different story) so we knew some things to pass the time.

After about forty rounds of quick fire, we had no idea who won, but some girl approached our little ocean. She was carrying towels. Handing them to us, she said, "You're soaked and it's freezing cold, how are you not sick or shivering?"

We wrapped up and Justin answered, "You see, Shawn is a left testicle and I'm a right testicle, testicles are always supposed to be around 99.8 degrees. So with us combined, I guess you could say we're both super hot."

She laughed, slightly leaning forward with her laugh. She was already shorter than us, and she became even shorter when she leaned over. She was still laughing. Under her curly blonde hair, I saw glasses and acne. She had to be around our age, 16. Maybe a little older.

When she straightened up, I said, "I'm Shawn and this is Justin," patting him on the chest twice. I stuck out my left hand and Justin stuck out his right. She had to cross arms in order to shake both hands at once.

She shook them and replied, "I'm Hannah. I think we go to the same school. Westover High, right?" Thunder cracked and lightning flashed, so she didn't here us say yes. She may have already known the answer anyway. She suggested, "Want to go watch the televisions on display? They're still working somehow." We followed her to the electronics aisle.

Sure enough, in some magical way, the televisions were working. They were all on the news channel. The reporter on tv was reporting several natural disasters. According to her, there were wildfires breaking out all across the United States, there were tornadoes near the center, there were four hurricanes, one of which was the largest in history. And, in south western Georgia, there was reported excessive raining and an extreme drop in temperature. These aspects could possibly lead to the first flood in years that could pose a threat. They weren't flooding yet, but they would soon.

What happened next was a surprise. We saw someone on the television attack the reporter, and at the same exact moment, I felt someone grip my shoulders. Their nails dug into my shoulders and my head smacked forward into the television, knocking them over. I was pinned onto the shelf aisle. I kicked back as hard as I could, and I knew before I looked that I knocked their feet from under them.

I straightened up and turned around. I looked around but Justin was gone. The girl was hiding behind me, which wasn't hard because I was bigger than her. On the ground in front of me was a man. His face was deformed. His nose became mangled and bloody where it hit the floor. He was really pale, and he had deep trenches on the left side of his face. It looked like he had recently been attacked by a strong dog like a pit bull. There was blood on his right leg around his knee area.

He started to get back up. Justin came running towards me, a gun in his hand. He tossed it and i caught it in my hands (thanks mom, for making me play baseball for 13 years!). Justin reached the man and rolled him over. Now that i had a look at the mans entirety, i saw that he had blood dried around his mouth and his stomach glittered with crimson under the dim lights. He tried to launch at Justin, but Justin had him under his boot. He looked at me and said, "You know all of that Call of Duty Zombies training? We need to put that to use. Headshot."

I stepped forward, "If you insist." I aimed the pistol and shot the guy in the crotch. Who knew a zombie could yell in agony? I thought their nerves were completely shut down. I looked at Justin and scrunched my entire face in a smile, closing my eyes with it.

"You're one sick man," he laughed at me. "The undead have feelings too. What? How is he going to go have zombie sex? Now his wife will have to go to a sperm bank. Shoot him in the little head now." I shot him in the head that he really meant. Blood splattered and one drop landed on my lip. I wiped it off. I was immune to gore, ever since i had to cut out a cats heart on dissection day in seventh grade and the heart juices squirt onto my lip. "He's not the only one. And we need to hurry and get our friends dude. They're still in the school. Go to the gun aisle. Grab a few book bags. Stock up on food and weapons. Soup and towels too if you can. Anything of necessity. Video games have prepared us for this moment!"

He ran off and I followed him. We started gathering supplies.

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