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A/N: Just in case you didn't know           Y/N = Your Name, Y/H/C = your hair color,   Y/S/C = your skin color, Y/E/C = your eye color :)

Stiles POV

"Dude, you really messed up this time" I say to my best friend. He sits there, looking at his hands.

"I know Stiles"

"Scott you almost killed that man, in broad daylight! What the hell were you thinking. You had blood all over you and-"

"Look I get it! I fucked up, can you just shut up about it"

"No, I cannot! Scott we are sitting in an asylum right now because you don't know how to handle yourself! They are gonna have to run tests to see the reason you flipped out so easily! What if they figure out you're a-"

"I know, i'll figure something out"

"Yeah, well you better figure out something real quic-" The door swung open and a doctor entered.

"Hello, we need to run a few tests on Mr. Mccall. This is required to be in private"

"What no! Im gon-"

"Stiles, just go wait outside" Scott said wearily. I roll my eyes and nod, glaring at the lady as I walk out. I feel kind of hungry, I decide to walk to the front desk and ask where a vending machine is.

"Um, Hi" I say to the unenthusiastic girl typing at the computer.

"What do you need?"

"Can you tell me where the vending machine is?"  She turned to face me, and she had a look on her face. I cant really describe it, but it didn't look good.

"We have one vending machine in the building, but its located in the patients activity room"

"Wait patients, like the crazy people"

"No because we keep perfectly sane people in the asylum, YES! the crazy people" The girl said clearly annoyed. I roll my eyes at her, who did she think she was, yelling at random citizens

"Will they try to harm me?"

"They shouldn't, the extremely crazy ones have to stay in there rooms. So you should be fine"

"Alright, How do I get there?" she pointed down a hallway, and began explaining

"Walk straight then turn left. You should see a door that says 'activity room'"

"Okay, thanks"

"Whatever" The girl turned back to her computer, and I started walking down the hallway.


I arrived at a door that said activity room.
"This must be the place" I mumble. I feel my stomach growl and I realize how hungry I am. I slowly open the door and look around.

Everyone is wearing white and its completely silent. I quickly spot the vending machine and head over to it. I stop in front of it and get a dollar out of my pocket. I reach to put the dollar in, but I see something covering the slot.

Its a little yellow sticky note that reads
'out of order'

"That bitch" I mumble to myself. She knew the machine was out of order when she told me to come down here. I huff and scan the room, until something catches my eye. Its a girl, sitting by the window with pretty Y/H/C and beautiful Y/S/C. She has a small white bag on the table beside her.

The bag has weird patterns on it, they resemble a puzzle.  I start walking towards her, I don't know why i'm doing this, what if she tries to hurt me? The closer I get to her the more beautiful she seems. When I get over to her I sit down, in the chair directly in front of her.

"H-Hello" I say lamely, why am I such a dork? She turns to face me and when she does, my heart melts. She has the biggest, most beautiful and captivating  Y/E/C I've ever seen. She stares at me directly in my eyes. She keeps staring at me, so I decide to speak again.

"My name is Stiles- Stiles Stilinski" She just keeps looking at me. She reaches her arm out toward me, I jump back a bit. Her eyes lock with mine again and she flickers her eyes toward the bracelet on her arm. It has a tiny picture of her, a number, and a name.

"Y/N, is that your name?" She looks back up at me slowly and nods.

"Thats a um v-very pretty name" She stares at me and her eyes lighten a bit, and maybe I see a faint bit of pink cover her cheeks. I smile and she looks back out of the window. I keep staring at her she is so beautiful i ju- grrgrurlrerergrl my thoughts are interrupted with my stomach growling violently. Y/N turns to look at me with a startled look on her face.

"I guess i'm kinda hungry" I say awkwardly. She looks at my stomach and then back up at me. She slowly turns to the small wooden table beside her and picks up the small white bag. she places it on her lap and reaches in. She pulls out a medium sized brown package and holds it out to me. I slowly take it from her and look at it. Its a pack of M&Ms. I smile at her, and she just looks back out of the window. I open the pack of M&Ms and put a handful in my mouth. Im so hungry that these are the best pack of M&Ms I've ever had.

"So um Y/N do you have any hobbies?" She looks at me for a long moment. Then she reaches for my hands. I freak out at first but then I relax my hands in hers. Her hands are cold and soft, like snow. She squeezes my hands, but not to where it hurts. She keeps her eyes concentrated on mine the whole time. They look serious and determined, I stare into them soaking up their beauty.

"Daydreaming, drawing, writing and reading are my hobbies, what are your hobbies Stiles Stilinski?"  I jerk my hands back like she had just harmed me. Was she talking to me or was I imagining things? How-How did she do that? This isn't possible!? I frantically stare into her eyes searching for an answer. But she remains expressionless like nothing happened.

"I-I like watching movies and-and I play lacrosse and um I-I like solving mysteries" She stares at me longer, and then I see something flash in her eyes. Curiosity... She reaches for my hands and I let her take them, to shocked to move. She gives them the same light squeeze as before.

"You like mysteries Stiles Stilinski?" She keeps looking at me intently not letting go of my hands, still squeezing them. I quickly and frantically nod my head, worried and confused.

"Then maybe you can solve me"

A/N: Hello guys :) So this is my second Teen Wolf x Reader story! I plan on keeping this story short and simple:)! But anyways I hope you enjoy! Also, sorry for any typos I typed this from my phone >.<

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