Quick starting note☺️

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He guys I'm very excited to start writing in here again I haven't in a few years😁
So I'm going to write this and see how it goes and wether or not I'm going to continue🙄
I'm saying this bc I'm not the best with grammar if there is any mistakes I apologize but there is no need to tell me in the comments😂💓🙂

Anyway to bore you no longer a few things real quick✌🏼️

If I'm write something with out a request (how I'm starting out) here are some of the abbreviations I use..

Y/n: your name
H/n: his name (crush/boyfriend)
Y/f/n: your friends name
H/f/n: his friends name
Y/sm/a: your social media account
H/sm/a: his SOCAIL media account

Bye love y'all😘✍🏽

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