Chapter 2 - The Combo Of Work And Fun

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* a week later *

Dear diary,

Its the weekend, and i have heaps of homework who new high school could be so hard but finaly i have a break no school well accept for my homework 👎🏻. Im meeting up with a couple of my friends to go shopping and later their sleeping over at my house. I'm sooooo excited.

My homework is my main focus mum said if i can get it all done my friends could stay over. So I'm just know sitting at my desk multitasking doing my maths homework as i write in my diary. My maths teacher is tough she gave me  like 5 chapters which all have at least 30 questions each.

I finally get the job done and i can move on with my life unfortunately that was not the case. It just hit me, omg I've got a german assignment due i completely forgot. I went on to that straight away frantically reading what i had to do. Then even more frantically i started to work eating my lunch as i did. It wasn't that hard which was good but still it took me a whole hour and a half.

I finished i looked down and i was proud of what i did, leaving it to the  last minute oh gosh I'm good. Im actually surprising the girls guess what were doing rollerskating. I am so excited i just, just cant wait till they get here.

The door bell rings yes their here. We bring all the snacks into my room i look down, the snacks look so good i could just eat it all now. My friend the one who embarrassed me is Alise and lets not forget my friend Emma. They are both really good friends of mine. Its really fun because together we always have so much fun. We are fast friends, they mean the world to me even though I've only known them for a few weeks.

For dinner we had pizza my favourite is margarita. Alise and emma both like Hawaiian. With pizza we had a whole bottle of coke but my friend Emma wanted more coke its amazing how much she can drink but i told her she couldn't.

Later then we watched a few movies and ate all of our goodies mmmmmm salt and vinegars with starburst lollies how could i turn down that. We all watched Project Almanac we all thought it was a bit weird. I wanted to show Alise my favourite show The Vampire Diaries but Emma just thought it was boring so she didn't watch it. Alise and i made some video stars we watched them after they were actually so bad.

Alise and i tried to sleep but Emma was watching episodes and eating chips being really loud. Then we went to sleep and she drew on our faces thanks Emma some friend you are??? By the time we got to sleep it was 3 o'clock in the morning. That ended a cold fun but gloomy night.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2015 ⏰

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