Not Alice

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Ignoring the world around her as she sat in her uncle's attic, Jonah was engrossed in one of the many books that lay hidden in the attic. Which was why she started terribly when a hand appeared out of nowhere and grabbed her arm, pulling her to her feet. She looked up, dropping her book to see a man with pure white hair, wearing a grey three piece suit. As she struggled against his grip, he turned his head to address her.

"Come on, we need to leave Alice."

The name he said shocked her and she couldn't hold back her reply, "My name's not Alice"

He didn't listen to her and kept on walking, pushing the attic door open and striding out. The scene in front of Jonah made her freeze, her mind refusing to comprehend what she was seeing. She twisted around to look at her surroundings. It just didn't make sense.

"I must be dreaming" she whispered, staring at the large forest she had been pulled into.

The stranger had heard her and laughed, "Don't be ridiculous, of course you're not dreaming. Now Alice, we must stop wasting time." He pulled her arm causing her to stumble, as he began to walk.

"But I'm not Alice." she protested. "Where are we anyway?" The stranger stopped suddenly, turning to face her, letting go of her arm.

"You know here we are Alice. Come along. We mustn't be late." He told her, before turning and striding into the forest.

Jonah stood still for a second, staring after the man. To her right there was the sound of movement and a loud growl, making Jonah run after the man.

Within minutes she was horribly lost among the trees, and impossibly colourful plants. She did the first thing that came to her mind.

"Hello, is anybody there? I need help!" she shouted, turning around to look for any movement.

"You know, it's not very smart to be shouting in the middle of this forest. You never know what might hear you." she jumped, turning around to face the voice, only to see nothing.

"Look up" she heard, and complied to see a boy a little older than her sitting high in the tree. His hair was dark brown, but it seemed to be streaked with purple that almost glowed in the light. He grinned at her, and she saw a flash of teeth, his smile putting her on edge. Seconds later he jumped from the tree, giving her only a second to make a panicked squeak, before he landed, legs bent to absorb the impact.

He smiled up at her from his crouch, and Jonah suddenly understood why his smile made her uncomfortable. It was more like a predator showing its teeth than a smile.

The boy stood, brushing invisible dirt off his legs, before holding out his hand. "Call me Cheshire, everyone else does." he told her.

Not waiting for her to shake his hand, he grabbed one, and pulled her along as he walked in the opposite direction than Jonah was heading.

"Come along Alice, we need to get out of here. They're not happy you're here."

She pulled against his hold and quietly protested, "But I'm not Alice."

Jonah was surprised when Cheshire stopped, and turned to face her, a thoughtful look on his face. "You really don't think you are. Do you?" he asked, and looked at her, obviously waiting of her reply.

My name is Jonah. Not Alice" she told him, and was confused when he smiled sadly at her, before tugging her hand to get her moving again.

"You don't get it yet, but you will. Alice is more of a title than an actual name."


Her feet pounded against the ground as she ran around a corner. Running from a monster, her hand felt empty without a weapon. She was by herself now. Cheshire had disappeared a while ago, promising to find help, but it had been so long ago she was beginning to worry. Turning into another endless corridor, she slowed, gasping for breath and looked around franticly for an escape from the corridors, practically sobbing in relief when she spotted a door. She sprinted to the door and wrenched it open and slipped through the doorway. She whirled around, slamming the door shut, turning back around, with her back pressed against the door; she examined the room she had entered. It was empty except for the door at the other end, nowhere to hide and no way to protect herself. She walked quietly to the other door, her body held tense. Once she was at the door, she eased it open and walked through. Only to freeze at the sight in front of her.

"Jonah! What are you doing?" her Uncle snapped, causing her to turn back around to look at the door she had left open. She had to work to hide her shock, because behind her was not an open door to an empty room, but her room. But she had been so sure. Could she have been dreaming?

"I came up to get you, it's time to eat." he told her, turning away and making his way back down stairs.

Jonah followed him slowly down to the second floor, jumping slightly when one of the doors creaked open. Her uncle had also jumped, he looked down and muttered about his stupid cat, before turning and practically storming away. Jonah turned to look at what he had been grumbling about, and was mildly surprised to see a cat push its way out of a room. One of the many empty studies she knew her uncle had. The cat - whose name she could not seem to remember - purred and rubbed itself against her leg, begging for attention. So Jonah knelt down and started stroking its head. Her mind drifting. What had really happened back there, had it even been real? It had felt real. But she could have fallen asleep and dreamed the whole thing.

"Jonah!" her uncle called, startling her. She hardly recognised her own name; everyone in that dream-like place had called her-

"Alice" a voice whispered.

She froze.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2015 ⏰

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