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"Lolaaaaaaaaaaaa!" I heard a high pitched voice scream from across our $40 000 000 mansion. I rolled my eyes as I crawled out of my bed and grabbed my Victoria Secret gown and put it on.

"What do you want Jesana?" I yelled from upstairs. She didn't answer, typical. I walked down the stairs and into Nadia, my baby sisters room.

"Jessi, what do you want?" I asked impatiently, standing at the threshold of the door.

"I am going shopping for Portugal later today, you coming with ?" She asked, sitting next to a fast asleep Nadia.

"Yeah.. When're we going to Portugal again? Is mama coming with us?" I asked.

"Mama is already there with Papa. We are leaving tonight. Do you have Nadias passport?" She asked.

"Tristan has it. Is Nadias stuff packed already?" I asked, checking the list that my mom had left for us.

"Yes, but she's only got a few pair of socks so I'm going to H&M to get her a few more pairs." She said.

"Mmh ok I'll go get ready, then I'll come and get Nadia ready and we'll go to H&M" I said.

"You're driving.." She said.

"K bye.." I said, walking upstairs to get ready.

I walked back into my bedroom and shut the door. I connected my phone to my beats speakers and I played a bunch of songs while I got ready. I jumped out of the shower and I applied moisturiser to my face because I wasn't going to wear any makeup, not that I ever wear make up, that's Jesana's thing. I preferred going natural because I had very sensitive skin compared to her.

I blew dry my shoulder length hair and then I picked my outfit. I wore yoga pants for H&M and a top from cotton on. Then I packed my carry on bag because I didn't feel like coming back after shopping for hours. I had a few clothes packed in my suitcase but I was going to get more in Portugal. Once my bag was packed, I put it in my Mercedes and then I went back inside to get Nadia ready.

"Hello linda princesa! Look who's awake!" I said to Nadia, who just learnt to sit up.

"Lala!" She said in attempt to say Lola. I smiled and I took her to the bathroom and got her ready.

"Jessi are you ready?" I yelled as I finished dressing Nadia up in her leggings.

"Yeah! I'm in the car!" She yelled even louder.

"You don't need to yell! My car is right by Nadias window I can hear you!" I said.

"Ok, all done! Let's go to the car.." I said as I grabbed her baby bag.

"Jes, do you have everything?" I asked.

"Yup.." She said smiling.

"Fuck!" I said as I ran out of the car.

"You left our sister, didn't you?" Jessi yelled.

"Yup.." I said, picking up Nadia who was standing at the door looking scared.

"Now we can go!" I said as I strapped Nadia in her baby seat.

"I seriously cannot wait to get out of here.." I said, backing out of the driveway.

"We seriously needed this vacation.. I cannot wait to jol with you all night and illegally get super drunk!" Jes said.

"Is it illegal if we are both 16?" I asked while trying to find a good song.

"Yeah, we have to be 21.." She said.

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