The Phoenix

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Marco's pov.

I came from the laughter below deck red faced and frustrated. I had dismissed the fact of Thatch pranking me to early to realize that he had drawn a cartoon like dick on my back.

 I shook the childish laughter from my head as I closed the door to my room and took off my shirt.

Stopping in front of my mirror glancing at myself as I flexed. Then feeling more comfortable started to pose.

Suddenly I heard wild laughter erupt from my door.

 I closed my eyes and silently cursed, feeling me cheeks begin to turn hot as I turned around to see Thatch and Haurta snickering and throwing there self's in my room causing me to turn around and stare at them.

All the time wishing my stare could kill.

 "Hahaha Thatch, Thatch..." Haurta giggled then he started to pose puffing out his small chest and sticking out his arms, "I'm Marco." 

 I rolled my eyes and pushed the tiny person aside as Thatch hollered in laughter. Reaching for my clothes and changing my manor from slightly embarrassed to nonchalant.

Haurta was only a chore boy and was lacking in everything one needed to be on this ship like muscles, smarts, and looks.

"Shut up once you get muscles and can fight me like an equal, then you can make jokes-yoi."
I stated.

He puffed out his chest "I can beat you its just to early in the morning I haven't had my breakfast yet."

I looked at him and held up my fist "if you don't get out if my room, you will be eating your teeth-yoi."

Haruta heard my menacing tone and dashed out of the room as Thatch shook his head and sat on my bed and stretched his self across the hard mattress as I walked over to my closet to thrown on a new vest.

"You're to tough on the kid he was just having some fun." he stated.

I glanced at him and continued with my task. "He's not the one I'm mad at-yoi." I stated.

Thatch smiled and leaned up looking in my closet ignoring me as he snickered and began running his hands over his chin. "Hmm, what to wear what to wear." 

He then mimicked his hands as if he had something in them. "Grey, or more grey I can't decide which is more boring and uptight?"

I looked at him and sent him another look as I heard Haruta giggle from behind my door.

"I happen to like grey-yoi." I stated as I pulled a grey vest off the hanger and tossed it on adjusting my katana.

Thatch sighed and shook his head sighing heavily.

"You my friend need two things." He stated crossing his leg and holding out two fingers as I fixed my clothes. "Oh yeah and what is that-yoi?" I asked with fake curiosity staring in the mirror. 

 "Well first you need to learn to take a joke you're so hmm. whats the word? (There was a quick blissful moment of silence)ah uptight?" He asked in a comdeic way.

He was jabbing at my scene just a moment ago but rolled my eyes at his remark anyway.

 He continued "2. you need better taste. (he tilted his head and smiled) Like me." He stated. Motioning to his clothes which consisted of a light blue chiefs top and some black pants. I have to say they contrasted greatly from his Red/Orange hair atop his head.

I rolled my eyes (again) and wrapped my sash back around my waist. Making sure everything was on tight and secure turning around and looking at him sternly. "I'll quiet being (I put up air quotes) Uptight when you stop using up all our food at once. we do have a need for that to solve something... hmm whats the word I don't know something called hunger?-yoi." I asked making a stab at his wasting our food (mainly because he kept burning it and insisted on only serving the good stuff to his brothers). 

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