Archie Smith, The Distant Leader

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My eyes pop open as I hear a quiet creek coming from my window. The room is slowly illuminated by the glow of something, but what was it? I feel myself begin to tremble. I've always had an active imagination. What if this thing was here to take me away, never to be heard from again? I pretend to be sound asleep until I hear something. A tiny voice askes, "Is he the one?"

A slightly higher pitched voice replies, "Yes."

Suddenly, I feel the blankets around me slowly fade away. I try to inhale, but I can't. Every failed attempt at breathing leaves me hunger for air. Alongside this, my surroundings grow hotter and hotter, I begin the sweat. The temperature continues to increase until I feel like I'm drowning in a pit of lava. Then, I can breath and am back to normal temperatures. The two glowing things begin to morph into twin toddlers. The only difference between the two is that one has yellow hair and the other has blue hair. The blue haired one steps forward. "Archie Smith, welcome the Solaria," she states. "I'm Tala."

The yellow haired girl steps forward. "And I'm Vala," she finishes. Her voice was a higher pitch than her twin.

So many questions flood my mind. "How do they know my name?" and "Where in the world is Solaria?" are just a few.

Vala interrupts my thoughts when she announces, "Everyone! The true king of Solaria has returned!"

I become more aware of my surroundings. We were standing in some type of town square. A crowd of people start to surround me. Then, a booming voice laughs.

"True king? Ha! Your true king is me! Gersavo!"

I scan all the people. Most are trembling. The few who aren't are cowering. Gersavo's voice returns. "Tour so-called true king will be my new prisoner. Along with those twerps Tala and Vala."

Unexpectedly, everyone's eyes except Tala and Vala shine with a crimson- red light. "Great," I think, sarcastically. "I'm between a rock and a hard place."

"Prisoner. Prisoner," the crowd chants. Everyone who previously seemed happy to see me was now surrounding Tala, Vala, and me. I scan the surroundings. I spot a silhouette with a trench-coat flying in the breeze. That must be Gersavo. Then, I get smacked in the back of the head by a board. I'm out cold before I hit the ground.

When I wakes back up, we are in some kind of cell. I sit up and look around. In the corner sit tala And Vala.

"You shouldn't have announced that Archie was back. You know he couldn't take Gersavo as he is," whispers Tala.

"Welcome back, Archie," Vala interrupts.

"Where am I?" I ask. "I mean, where is Solaria?"

"Well," Tala replies. "We aren't on Earth. Solaria is inside the sun."

"If I'm inside the sun, how am I not dead?" I question.

"Most humans wouldn't make it anywhere close to the sun, but you're

different. You're from here. So, Archie Smith, true heir to the Solarian throne, welcome home."

I become disoriented. My whole world just flipped upside-down. A mix of emotions, confusion, sadness, rage, and disbelief start to boil up. Suddenly, I fell different. I feel... powerful. Then, golden flames erupt form my hands and eyes, but I can still see. Tala and Vala jump back and stare in awe. After that, they look at each other, and, somehow, I knew what they were thinking; "He's ready."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2015 ⏰

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