Chapter 1

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I look in the mirror while I put on the final layer of blush before the party. I always spend forever picking out what to wear, what hairstyle to do, what sort of makeup to be put on.... But I am never really happy with my result. I am not as pretty as all the other girls in my class, I am not the smartest or the sportiest. I am just the girl in the middle, unnoticed and invaluable.
My phone buzzes from my dresser table, a message from Ky I imagine...
I am outside in the car now, meet you in 5? xox Ky
I am right. Ky is my boyfriend and we have been together for about 1 year. He is eighteen and is the head of the basketball team. I have no idea what he sees in me, he could do heaps better than me, he deserves someone better than me. I text him back:
Ok, see you in 5! xox Skyler
Quickly I run to my closet and get out the dress I decided to wear. It is an aqua blue dress with silver sequins running down the side. It goes down to my calves and it has straps with swirls stitched in light blue. I quickly throw it on, do my hair in a messy updo, grab my purse and run out of my room and down the stairs.


"Bye!!" Cries Aubrey, my 9 year old sister from down the hall.
"Bye! See you soon!" I yell back.
"Have fun, stay safe!" Says mum from the kitchen, "I'll be here when you get back!"
I smile at her, "Bye mum, see you la-"
Suddenly Ky bursts through the door, "Hey Mrs Knox!" He says smiling at mum.
"You take good care of my daughter now won't you Ky..." Eyes mum.
"Of course Mrs Knox, I'll make sure she's by my side the whole time, no drinks slipping past me!" She grins cheekily. I am 17 just underage to drink. Just my luck for a friends 18th.
"Alright, you two have fun," calls my mother as we slip out of the house and close the door.


"You look..." Starts Ky, "Amazing..."
I blush, "Thanks." I can't help myself from asking. "What do you see in me that makes me so special and different from all the other girls?" I blurt out, "why choose me? I am not pretty, I am not smart or sporty like yo-" he stops me
"I see kindness, I see a beautiful caring woman and someone who I want to be with..." He trails off, staring out the windscreen, "There. Does that answer your question?"
I nod.
He changes tone, "And no drinking for you. You stay in my sight you hear?"
I laugh a bit and so does he. "Oh, I can't go making any promises...!"
He pulls into the carpark and turns off the engine, "I love you Sky," he says and he kisses me, "Have fun and stay in my sight!"
"Now you sound like my mother..." I say opening the car door and stepping out, the cool night breeze catching my dress and hair.


"Where is Allison?" I ask Alexis when I spot her at the bar.
"I thought she was with you?!" She exclaims
"She was supposed to be here 20 minutes ago, she said so herself," I explained
"I haven't seen her arrive, I was the first one here!" She exclaimed now with an anxious tone in her voice.
"We have to go look for her then..." Says Ky, "Who knows where she is, maybe she is hurt or something?"
We all nod.
"Let's go then."


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