The Food Endeavor

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                                                                                       The Food Endeavor

Freddy slowly opened his eyes and yawned as the sunlight shown through the glass windows of the double doors. He sat up rather quickly, rubbing the side of his head. Feeling a bubbling sensation in his stomach, the sensation of hunger, the brown bear got up and waddled down toward the kitchen. Now rubbing his eye, Freddy opened the refrigerator with his free hand, searching for anything good to eat. Finding nothing but pizza, (what else are you going to find in a pizzeria?) the brown bear growled softly and shut the fridge door. His ears perked up when he heard a couple of loud clangs in a nearby room. He turned his head in the direction of the sound, although not really caring to see what had caused it. He assumed it was nothing and continued to search the kitchen for food. As he did so, the noise outside persisted, which eventually irritated the bear. Finally reaching his irritation limit, Freddy angrily trudged out of the kitchen and headed in the direction of the noise. Following the noise led him to the Parts and Service room. He opened the door with a strong scowl present on his face. Upon opening the door, he found a gold bear atop a step ladder reaching for something.

"Goldy, what are you doing?" Freddy muttered.

"Huh?" Goldy uttered, turning his head halfway. The gold bear's foot suddenly slipped and he, along with the objects he was holding, tumbled to the ground with a loud crash.

"Aaahahahagh!!" Goldy groaned, pushing the objects off of himself. "That freakin' hurt!!"

"What were you doing?" Freddy asked again, seeming not to care about his brother's cries in pain.

"I was looking for something." Goldy answered, moaning a bit between his words.

"Looking for what?" Freddy implored.

"Something." Goldy said blankly, getting to his feet.

"That tells me nothing. Perhaps I can help you. What were you searching for?" Freddy replied.

"Something." Goldy repeated in the same tone as before.

Freddy's eyes narrowed, "What are you hiding?"

"So-nothing." Goldy stuttered rapidly.

"Goldy." Freddy sneered.

"Freddy." Goldy returned, much more innocently.

Freddy rolled his eyes, "Whatever, don't tell me. Just clean this up."

"Aye aye, Ca- no wait, I should say that to Foxy." Goldy said, placing a finger on his bottom lip. Freddy rolled his eyes again, shaking his head and walked out.

"Freddy?" Goldy called softly.

"What is it, Goldy?" Freddy replied.

"I'm hungry, and there's no food in the refrigerator." Goldy said.

"I am aware. I am hungry, myself. Believe it or not, that pizza is beginning to have quite a stale taste." Freddy said. Goldy stuck out his tongue with a worried expression, frowning.

"What's wrong?" Freddy asked. Goldy shook his head and replaced his tongue.

"Oh! I have an idea!" Goldy exclaimed. "Follow me, brother!" Freddy smirked and followed his brother toward the kitchen. Goldy slid into the room, hopping onto the table.

"Why don't we make our own meal!?" Goldy asked erratically.

"Get off the table, and I'll answer." Freddy muttered.

Goldy sighed and slowly slumped off the table, "Now, more blandly, why don't we make our own meal?"

"Sounds like and idea to me." Freddy said warmly. "You know how to cook?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2015 ⏰

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