thirsty for blood

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Sonics pov.

"SHE WENT OVER THERE, GO THIS WAY!!" "MONSTER SHOOT IT, SUCH DEMONS OF THE NIGHT, WE MUST KILL IT!!" I hear them yell as my feet splash on the cold, wet grounds of the dark forest.......normaly I would tease them about how they cant ever catch me.......they call me the.....demon beauty.....I am most definaltly not a demon....I am no monster......I am no scary which.....I'm just like any other normal....girl hegie......but with fings and always thirst for blood of humans and animals......why do I have to be an outcast and why do others like me have to die and be punshed...I cant help this.....pain I feel for others death.......
I havent ate all day and I'm weak.....I cant always put up a fight I'm not as strong as others.........I'm hungry, I'm starving, I'm- "whoa so ur the pretty vampire that all the men are talking about...~" I look up to see a man with hazel eyes....and gold fur.....
I look away from his stare....he's not right, he's like mest up....but his blood smells good and filling....."o, u know me, well that sucks are u gonna like shoot me...." I say coldly. He glared at me and hissed, I giggled and spinned around, my fings are hidden and my eyes are a lighter green, I dont feel like he's a theret to me......"arent u a vampire??" I look at him as if I think he's crazy. "Well if u think I'm pretty, I thank u, but no I do not know a vampire that u speak of...sorry~" I say with a cute wink....trying to hide the fact that I'm scared and....well who am I kidding I'm trying to hide the fact that I'm so hungry....I'll have to suck a animals blood later....."hm...o okay...well be careful, cutie there are some monster out so I suggest u head home so u can be safe~" I smile and nod in agreement and walk in a diffrent direction house in the village....and yea I live in the village I'm very good at hiding my identity, I just got to make sure those stupid vampire hunters dont come here.....and ruin everything............
To be continued.........

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