Chapter 1

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Dear Ms. Granger,
          Do not be alarmed by any thing unusual appearing on you today. Everything is be explained after breakfast. In addition, happy 16th birthday.
                     - Professor Dumbledore

I sit up in bed and read the note that was siting on my beside table. The door opens abruptly and Ginny walks in. "Happy birthday!" She yells enthusiastically at me while jumping on the bed. "Oww, Gin... That was my foot." I say laughing at her.

I tell her to wait while I wash up in the bathroom and she sits down on the edge of the bed waiting for me. I walk slowly to the sink, rubbing my eyes, and grab my toothbrush and some tooth paste and brush my teeth. After, I put my hair up and wash off my face, which finally wakes me up.

I stare into the mirror for awhile and wonder if I will apply some makeup today, but get distracted by something black moving where my neck meets my shoulder. I turn around and look over my shoulder at the back of my neck. "What the hell?!?"

Ginny runs in with a curious look on her face. "What are you yelling about?" She asks me and I just turn around and wait for her to say something. "No way, when did you get a wizard tattoo?" She asks me jealously. "I never did I tell her."

I run back into my room suddenly remembering about what the letter had said. I picked it up and read it over again. What does he mean "don't be alarmed...everything will be explained at breakfast?"

What the heck has Dumbledore got up his sleeve now? I think to myself. "I am just going to finish getting ready. I am sure we will find out what this is about soon enough." I tell Ginny then walk back to the bathroom to finish getting ready.

I will have to put my hair down today so nobody sees this thing until it's dealt with, but it is no use. It's a wizard tattoo so it is constantly moving around the body part it is inked to. And in this case it is my neck so it has free reign to the front and back of my neck, along with my collar.

I brush out my curls and hope for the best as the tattoo shifts around to the front and I can see it clearly now. A small dragon crawls around the side of my neck and settles onto my collar bone. I must say it's already growing on me. The dragon bursts a bit of flame and relaxes, staying there for now.

I do a bit of makeup and throw on the school uniform. The tattoo mostly hidden by the loose button up and tie. Ginny follows me out the door to breakfast and says they are going to do presents later after dinner today.

Harry runs out of the portrait hole behind us to catch up and Ron is thankfully lagging behind. He's been like that since I made it known we were not a "thing" and would never be. I just wasn't interesting in him anymore plus didn't he have Lavender?

Soon we reached the Great Hall and sit down at the table and dig in. Around ten minutes later Dumbledore asked for our attention and called all of the students who are 16 or older to come up to the front.

I stand up and walk to the crowd that was forming by Dumbledore. "I am sure you are all wondering what this is about. Well you have all received a letter on the morning of your 16th birthday and if you could all follow me to another room and I will begin to explain.

A/N: Hermione is the oldest and she is the only one who is 16 at the time. I was going to have Harry and Ron go too, but that would mean they are older then her and that is not true. Other then that hope you enjoy and more soon 👍😋

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09, 2017 ⏰

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