Chapter 5

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I woke up to my alarm blaring through my ear.

I really don't wanna be up at 5:30 a.m.

But I have to go in early to talk to Clara's teacher about the fight.

I got out of bed, and got dressed into the clothes I had laid out the previous night; a maroon t-shirt, black jeans, and a flannel to go over my shirt.

I made note that my mother was gone; probably at the diner.

I made my way to the bathroom, brushing my teeth and hair, and putting in my contacts.

I walked into the kitchen, and made myself some scrambled eggs and bacon for Clara and myself.

When 6:00 a.m. had reached, I woke Clara up. She complained, but that's because she was so used to waking up at 7:30 every morning.

I got her dressed, and brushed her hair. I fed her breakfast, and put her in her coat.

I grabbed my backpack, and my beanie, and we were out the door.

By the time we had reachedClara's school, it was already 6:45. I had to be at school for 7:15. The high school was five blocks away the elementary school. Clara's teacher better make his meeting quick.

We walked up the steps to the school, and the teacher was waiting for us.

She looked the type of woman to hate children; brown hair with some grey in it pulled back into a tight bun, glasses, and grey pantsuit.

"We've been waiting for you." The teacher mumbled, motioning us to follow her.

I grabbed Clara's hand as we walked into the teacher's office.

I didn't know quite what to expect, but I sure as hell didn't expect Madison Ziegler and her little sister, Taylor, to be sitting in two of the five chairs in the office.

"Ugh. Seriously? I can never get away from the bitch." Maddie muttered, causing me to cover my little sister's ears.

"Maddie," I hissed, "don't be talking like that with kids around."

She rolled her eyes. "Can we just get this stupid thing done and over with? Luke's waiting for me in the car."

My breath got caught in my throat for a moment at the mention of Maddie's boyfriend. Luckily, no one noticed, and Clara and I sat down.

I took this opportunity to inspect the classroom. It was much different than my first grade classroom. Not one sign of color in the room. Just grays and blacks and whites covered the room. The desks had been set up into rows, rather than tables.

"So," her teacher started (and I have absolutely no idea what her name was), "we're all here o discuss the situation that went down yesterday afternoon."

"It was that brat's fault." Maddie replied, pointing towards my little sister.

"Maddie!" I yelled, "why should you say that?"

"Oh please, she attacked my sister for no apparent reason."

"No apparent reason? Taylor called my sister poor! That's not okay to do!"

"Attacking my little angel of a sister, was definitely not okay to do."

"I'm not saying that Clara is a saint in this situation. She shouldn't have attacked Taylor in the first place, but calling Clara poor, that crosses the line." I fought back.

"Okay," Ms. Stickly (who I just learned her name by reading her name plate) said, "clearly we all have our feelings up in the air right now."

I looked down at my watch.

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