That New Kid

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"Here comes the sun..." My alarm clock sounded. I weirdly opened my eyes and hit the snooze button. I put on my glasses and turned on my side to see the time. It was 6 o'clock, and I was going to be late to work if I didn't get up. I rolled out of bed lazily and trudged to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and waited for it to warm up while I got my towel. Before I hopped into the shower, and turned on my radio. Van Morrison was singing "Brown eyed girl." What a way to wake up, I thought as I chuckled. After I got out of the shower, I went to my room to get dressed. I decided on a grey T-shirt with an outline of a peace sign on it and some faded high rise shorts. After I got dressed, I did my makeup and hair. I put my hair in a messy bun and just put on some basic makeup. I didn't have that enough time for breakfast, so I decided I would just get some coffee at work. I quickly grabbed my black tote bag and headed out the door. I don't own a car so I took my moped which was the color of baby blue. I hurried up and hopped on. As I look heading to work I noticed a music store that was just around the corner. It looked really cool. I finally arrived at work a little late. It was already hot outside, because well... I live in LA.

I headed to the doors and greeted Chase. Chase is my best guy friend. He's pretty rad, not gonna lie. "Hey Jay." Chase said as he gave me a hug. "Hey! So sorry I'm late, I woke up kinda late today." I replied. "No problem, do you wanna grab lunch today with the gang?" Chase said. "Uh, sure. I just need to finish up my video about the history of woman's accessories." I answered. Chase nodded. I'm so Glad Chase understands me. He's super nice like that. "So, how's it going with Grace?" I asked Chase. "Meh, we went on a date last night but it was really fast." Chase said mellow like. "Oh, well she seems nice.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2015 ⏰

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