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Hiro walked down the hallway with his best friend Gogo. More like a sister in ways. They met when Hiro was getting bullied by some kids in freshman year and been close ever since. They're in college now so that says a lot.

They were talking about the band rehearsal that was going to happen later that week.

"Okay, so I was thinking that we should record ourselves 4 times, leaving someone out. That way we can have our own cd to practice our parts." He explained 

"Yeah, that sounds good." Gogo said before blowing her gum just to pop it.

"Okay, now we-" He was cut off by a being run into. It was just a shoulder, but it was broad and near knocked the wind out him. When gain back his posture he turned around to give a piece of his mind. Ever since being picked on and push around for the longest time Gogo taught him how to be assertive. "Hey you better wa-"

"I'm so sorry. I should have been watching where I was going instead of my schedule." The guy said politely, but Hiro didn't say a word. He was caught up on how handsome this guy was. Mostly he needed water, because he felt thirsty.

Before there could be an awkward silence Gogo cut it in. "It's fine," She answered for her star struck friend. "So, you new here? I've haven't seen you around before." She asked earning a nod from the student. "Yeah just moved into the city today." He said flashing a gorgeous heart filled smile that made Hiro's heart skipped a beat.

"Oh that's cool, welcome to nerd school. It's Gogo. That's Hiro." She gestured to her day dreaming friend as she held out her hand. He gave a firm shake. "Thanks, I'm Tadashi Hamada. It's nice to meet you." He said before letting go.

"Well I have to hurry off. I got a lot of errands to run today. Goodbye, Gogo," He flashed his pearly whites at Hiro with a smile. "See you around, Hiro." He said before waving and turning away from them walking down the rest of the hallway.

"Bye." Gogo muttered with a pop of her gum afterwards before starting back to there destination with Hiro coming back to the real world and caught up with his friend.

"Did you see him?" Hiro groaned slightly.

"I'm gay."

"Your point is?"

Gogo just face palmed. "I'm attracted to girls, nitwit."

"Oh yeah," He chuckled. "But you think I got a chance?" He asked, nudging her shoulder, but only earned a glare from her.

"No. You're staying single for a long time. We don't need a repeat of your last boyfriend." She snapped, causing his glazed to look down with slumped shoulders. "Yeah.., I guess you're right. Sorry, I don't want to put you in that position again." He mumbled, but he couldn't help to only think..


[[this is going to be good and emotional. A bunch of triggers in the near future, but still smut I promise ;). I'm so excited for this (': I love you, guys!]]

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2015 ⏰

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