Daughter of the Demon-30-Snowed In

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Chapter 30: Snowed In


I always found myself in the worst situations possible. Jacob had said he didn’t want to see me again---or, wait, not see me again at least for a while---and I naturally I would end up at his house on the freaking snowiest day in Heart’s freaking history.

It couldn’t wait for me to get home. No. I swore, there was a snow god up there and right when he saw me stop in front of Jacob’s house he took advantage and dumped shitloads of snow onto Heart.

I mean, sure it was January, but I didn't think North Carolina even got this much snow in all the months added together.

So it was that I stood in front of Jacob’s house, staring at his door as the snow quickly gathered feet around me. I wasn’t going in there. I couldn’t go in there. If I went in there and Jacob saw me the universe would explode.

Of course, it was his house, so he probably would see me.

God, how did this even happen to somebody? Sometimes it felt like my life was scripted.

I finally got my feet to move me to his front door, but it was another ten minutes before my hand actually knocked. Even though it would mean probably freezing to death in the snow, I hoped nobody would answer.

Somebody did. A certain somebody who said we shouldn’t be together.

My heart did a flip even though my blood boiled.

He looked like he had just taken a shower. His hair was wet and he was only wearing jeans and fuck he looked hot, but I couldn’t focus on that now. He didn’t want me. I didn’t want him.

“Jemma?” he asked, blinking into the darkening night around me, making sure it was really me and he wasn’t hallucinating.

If I needed a distraction from my problems and depression, this was it. I rolled my eyes. “Put on a shirt,” I told him, and brushed passed him. I honestly didn’t want to freeze my ass out there any longer, and since I’d finally managed to get somebody to open the door I was taking advantage of it.

“Um, OK . . .” Jacob’s voice trailed off behind me. I was covered in craploads of snow and I stood awkwardly in the foyer. Belinda appeared and as soon as she saw me she shot daggers. I smiled---or grimaced. What did I do to get on her bad side?

“Jemma,” she said tightly. “What are you doing here?”

I pointed outside and said dumbly, “It’s snowing.”

Belinda raised an eyebrow. “It is indeed.”

“And it’s dark,” I continued, mentally screaming at myself to stop coming off as a complete idiot. “There was too much snow to be able to get home and . . .” The rest was pretty much self-explanatory. I figured it better for all of us if I didn’t continue rambling.

“Alright then. Jacob, go put on a shirt. And bring Jemma some dry clothes. Don’t you two do anything stupid.”


I felt myself go red and Jacob muttered something under his breath. Belinda shook her head and walked away.

“Yeah, so, I’ll just . . . be right back, I guess.” He left me and traveled upstairs. I heard his bedroom door open and he started talking to himself, but after that it was all muffled. I shifted uncomfortably in the foyer. Jacob’s house smelled like cinnamon. It smelled real nice.

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