For the love of the game or for the ones we love

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"Do it again and you will keep doing it till you finally do it right!" my coach also know as my dad shouts. I sigh and do my mount for yet another beam routine. After my routineI walk over to my dad waiting for the criticism that was soon to come. He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed "Brooke you really need to start focusing on whats important and start taking your training seriously. The cover girl cup is only weeks away and you need to remember that every meet counts ok." I close my eyes take a deep breath and nod my head. "Thank you. Now go get ready for school Ill go and call the boys." Oh great I thought nothing beats a morning of intensive training then getting into a car with my four obnoxious brother. i groan and walk towards the lockers room. I take a quick shower and get dressed in a pair of Hollister jeans, a green frilly spaghetti strapped top, white cardigan, and some strappy green sandals. Then I do some light makeup, throw my hair in a pony tail, and walk out of the locker room. As I head for my dads office Jake one of the guys in my gym pull me to the side. "Hey Jakey Poo whats up?" " Ugh Brooke I thought i told you to never call me that." I laughed you did doesn't mean ill actually listen, anyway what do you need." I reply while smiling. "So I was wondering do you think you might be able to ask Shawn out for me Ive liked her for a while now I'm just not sure how to tell her." "HAHA I knew you liked her but anyway sure if it makes you feel any better she likes you to." "Really? Then thats perfect if she says yes can you give her my number and tell her to call me." "Yea sure no problem. Tell her at lunch." "Alright thanks." "No problem see ya at school." I walked away wow finally it was about time he told her how he felt. I walked into my dads office to see sim sitting on the computer. " Hey dad are the boys here yet?" "Yup, their out front ill see you at home your mother should be picking you up from school to take you to dance." "Oh ok well love you daddy." I give him a hug and a kiss on the cheek before I walk out of the office. Once i walked out the doors of Woga I saw my brothers yellow jaguar. Ugh he need a new car that color gives me a head ache. When I reach the car I open the passenger seat and climb in. "Hey Drew wheres the other idiots?" "They took Blake's car said something about a football meeting." I nod my head and turn on the radio. When we finally reached school I couldn't help but think wow summer deffinatly wasn't long enough. When I get out of the car I almost get nocked over by my two best friends. Then we walk into school together while they fill me in on what I missed this morning.

Hey guys! So I had written this story over summer but I didnt like how I wrote it so im going to try it again. But it will have a few changes like names and I have decided to make this as a werewolf story as well but dont worry it will be better than it sounds I promise. Plus feel free to give me some constructive critisisim on what i should fix. Oh and on the side is a picture of Brooke and I will do a character page so you know who everyone is. So ill try to update that and onother chapter tomorrow. So fan, comment,vote. Love you guys❤️


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