"I think we should call her Sarah" Christian said.
"Chris I already told you were calling her Nikki" Bailey says.
"Alright I will go get your birth certificate from the printer,but how many copies?" The nurse asked.
"3 please" Bailey said.
"Sarah Maxwell would've been a better name" Christian said.
"It's Nikki Marie Maxwell and thats that" Bailey said.
"Ok here are your certificates and your information packet" the nurse said.
"Says here I can go home tomorrow" Bailey says.
"Yes ma'am" the nurse says.
"I will take Sarah...um Nikki to our house" Christian says.
"No sir they remain in our custody until the mother is released,so in this case you can take her tomorrow" the nurse says.
"Um um um,I can tell this is gonna be a rough ride with you Chris" Bailey says.