B.A.P ~ Moon Jongup

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{ This story will take place with you as the main character ;) Simple add-ins such as: [Y/N] - Your name [Y/A] - Your age & [Y/C] - Your country, will be used. This is my first fan-fic ever.. so please be nice >< Enjoy~~}

So.. I just entered a sweepstakes to go to Seoul and meet B.A.P... I know the chances of me winning are 1 in 1,000,000.. but- how could I not try!

I tuned in to a Korean television station and waited for them to announce the T.S. Ent. sweepstakes winner.

"안녕하세요! 그리고 튜닝에 대 한 감사 합니다! { Hello! And thank you for tuning in! }" the TV host said energetically. "Thank you all so much for the support you gave this sweepstakes! T.S. has gone through so much work to pick one special fan that will not only get to meet B.A.P- but also get to hang out with them for 10 days!"

I walked to the kitchen and poured myself some tea. Waiting patiently..

"Well, I think we should announce the winner now, don't you?" the TV host pulled out an envelope. Read the paper and smiled, "And the winner is..."

I started to drink my tea; closing my eyes and listening carefully.


My yes opened wide and I found myself spitting out my tea.

The television host started clapping and many people were cheering.

"Congratulations!! You will get an email notification with your ticket and gold card pass soon- can't wait to see you in Seoul!!"

I started coughing, and rewound the TV to hear the announcement again.

"OHMAIGOSHOHMAIGOSHOHMAIGOSH!!!!! I WON!!!" I started to jump around and flail my arms like a bird. I ran over to my laptop and checked my email, sure enough, there was a new letter from T.S.

"I can't believe this is happening... I'm gonna meet B.A.P!!"


The next day I found myself on a plane going to Seoul, my mind racing with fan-girl fantasy's...

Omo... What if I totally freak out in front of them..? I need to remember to keep my cool.. But is that even possible??!

I started packing as soon as I got the email- told my parents and left later that day.

Actually.. Now that I think about it, I didn't really say goodbye to anyone other than my parents.. haha.. OH WELL.

*Several hours later*

I can see it! I can see Seoul!! I stuck my face against the airplane window and couldn't help but giggle.

After getting off the plane and grabbing my luggage I walked outside and saw a limousine waiting for 'The winner of T.S sweepstakes'. I showed the driver my gold card and he helped get my stuff inside.

It took a little bit to get to T.S. and I had terrifying thoughts pounding through my head about what was going to happen next...

'They won't think I'm cute enough.. wait. I'm not cute at all! They'll probably hate me being chosen as the winner.. I bet they'll think I'm just a crazy fangirl.. And the worst part? They'll probably all be very nice to me ><'

I was actually beginning to sweat.. ;^;

The driver dropped me off across the street from the building and drove off with my luggage.

"Ahh.. all my stuff.."

I started heading towards the T.S. building when I bumped into someone.

"Oh! Joesonghabnida!"

I looked up and saw a familiar face staring down at me..

Oh... my..


"Ah! I'm sorry!" he said helping me up. "It was my fault. I wasn't paying attention to the way.. haha"

He looked at me curiously.

"You wouldn't happen to be the contest winner would you? You have a funny accent." He said and started to laugh shyly.

"Uh.. uh... Y-yes. I a-am!" I stuttered.

...Darn it! Why can't I be cool? *cries*

Jongup smiled and laughed. His expression warm and gentle...

"Good!! I was told to wait out here for you, but I wasn't sure I'd be able to find you." He stopped. "I need to see your gold card though."

I pulled out the card still staring wide eyed at him.



I showed it to him and he smiled.

"Great! Well, I'll lead you to our building then." He winked and placed a hand on my back, gently pushing me forward.

'Omo omo omo omo omo.. He's touching meeeeeee!!'

I looked up and caught him staring down at me. He turned away quickly.


I guess he doesn't like me..'

When we arrived at the T.S. building many photographers and crying fangirls were waiting outside. I was quickly approached by one member with a giant hug.


"You're finally here!!"

I looked up.. waaay up.. and saw baby Zelo smiling happily at me. He's flawless face staring deeply into my eyes..

"E-ehh? Y-yeah!"

Himchan soon approached and gave a cute wink at me.

"We actually got to choose together from the top few girls who we'd want to come~" he said smiling

"You seemed like lots of fun!" Zelo said. "So we chose you."

My eyes widened and I felt me face redden.

'Th-they chose me?! What??!'

Himchan and Zelo smiled.

"Why don't you come inside- we can chat more then, without all the camera's on us." They said together, as they pulled me into the building...

[ To be completely honest.. this chapter is by far the most boring >< I hope you'll stay for more.. Polls being taken for the next kpop fanfic on my twitter~ @gabbikpop Gamsahabnida~ ]

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2013 ⏰

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