Kidnapped by my.. Mate?!

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Okay, so I've kinda never written a story before. Sorry if it sucks. lol, feedback is very appreciated :D thanks. ENJOY! xx. Monika

Chapter 1;

Wind brushed my hair across my face as I walked down the trail towards my house. Autumn leaves flew in the breeze and the sun was beginning to dissapear behind the horizon. The lack of sun caused the air to lose it's warmpth and and the crisp air bit at my arms. I wrapped my arms tighter around my torso, cursing myself for neglecting to wear a thicker sweater, and popped my headphones into my ears.

I scrolled through my music, scanning the songs on my playlist. I stopped on 'The Fire' by Kina Grannis and hit play. I smiled to myelf and locked my iphone, the placed it in my back pocket. A gust of cold wind sent chills down my neck so I pulled my dark hoodie over my head, covering my blonde hair.

Letting my mind drift into the lyrics, a smile made it's way onto my face. After a long day at school and then work, I was tired and couldn't wait to get home. I just imagined the delicious meal my father had prepared, waiting for me. He was an amazing cook, and I always enjoyed his food. Or any food for that matter.

I was so lost in my thoughts and the music was blaring in my ears, pulling my focus away from the path and deeper into my mind. Consequently I was too distracted to think of anything peculiar about the car parked on the side of the road, just where the path ended. The little black car had tinted windows and was running, but I took no caution to it as I was too eager to get home.

Walking swiftly past the car, I continued on my way, a new song began: 'Goner' by Twenty One Pilots. I strolled down the darkening street; the street lamps illuminating sections in front of me with the yellow glow of the bulbs. An eery feeling began to fill me as I never liked the dark. But I pushed it down and forced myself to walk faster between the areas of light.

I slowed my pace when I got closer to my house, feeling stupid for being so paranoid. I saw my house as I turned the corner. My dad had left the porch light on for me and I smiled and let out a sigh of relief. Then, all of the sudden, a hand clenched onto my wrist and before I could let out a scream, a cloth was pressed to my mouth. I struggled against my captor, but his strong muscles held me in place. I screamed into the cloth, inhaling a sweet scent that filled my nose; things started to fade, and before I knew it, everything was black.


My eyes fluttered open and once they were adjusted, I realized I wasn't in my own room back at home. In fact, I had no idea where I was. Panicking, I sat up with a start; my stomach fell with nerves. Glancing around the room, I discovered I was alone, thankfully.

The room was average size, it had a double bed, which I was on. Two small night stands were placed on either side of the bed, a large dresser was to my left and a desk sat to my right. Everything was made of a dark wood, the floor included. Beige paint covered the walls, with white trim. A large window covered most of one wall, white curtains on either side. Two doors stood to the side of the desk and another next to the dresser.

I hopped out of the bed and first bolted to the door by the dresser, it was locked. Growling in frustration, I walked across the room to the window. Pulling back the curtian, I saw that I had a glorious view of the forest. Packed thick with trees and bushes.
Wanting some answers, I screamed loud, long and high pitched. Soon enough, I heard footsteps bounding up the stairs and down the hall towards me. As they grew closer, anxiety built within me.

What if they're bad people, and they hurt me? I asked myself, feeling stupid for drawing attention. I probably made them angry. I Shrank into the corner and watched as the door knob turned slowly to the right and the door was pushed open.

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