Untitled Part 1

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Ten Years

Ten long years we fought the Titans.

For ten agonizing years, we struggled to fight, trying to overthrow the Titan King and his entire pantheon behind him.

It seemed pointless, no matter how many gods we had on our side we always seemed to be failing. It seemed almost pointless to continue.

But we couldn't give up.

The survival of the entire world weighed heavily on our shoulders.

And we were determined to win.


"Apollo!" I yelled over the deafening roar of clashing blades. I pushed Athena behind me as I fended off Perses. He managed a lucky shot with his spear when her back was turned.

If she didn't get medical help soon, she would be unable to fight for the rest of the war.

And Zeus knows we need our head strategist.

"Hey, little bro," Came Apollo's infuriating voice next to me. I grunted as Perses swung his spear in an overhead strike and I blocked it with my symbol of power, my warglaives.

Two duel warglaives, four feet each of godly metal. The outside rim was Imperial Gold, mimicking the corona and the inside rim was made of Stygian Iron, mimicking the moon's shadow over the sun. The handle was made of celestial bronze, a hexagonal pattern creating a grip.

I called them Umbra, Shadows of the Moon.

I stepped into the guard of Perses and kicked him back several feet, gaining us some more time.

"The sun is setting Perseus! I can't heal her if the moon rises, we need an eclipse!" my brother yelled at me as I turned back to check on the unconscious goddess of wisdom.

I smirked, this was my domain and mine alone.

Closing my eyes and crossing my warglaives in front of me, I concentrated my power. As the youngest son of Leto and Zeus, I had a domain that connected both my siblings.

The Eclipse, when the sun and moon meet in harmony.

The sky suddenly darkened as I was covered in shadow. I was in the umbra of the eclipse. Apollo was just outside of the border, where the sun was as bright as if it were midday. "Thanks little brother," he said cheekily as he started to heal Athena.

Within seconds, her wound was healed and she was up on her feet.

She looked at me gratefully, but then her expression quickly switched to shock, "Perseus, look out!" she called out but it was too late.

My eclipse faded away as I dropped my weapons in shock.

Perses had rammed his spear through my stomach.

I glared at him with unadulterated hatred as he smiled wickedly. He pulled it out and took a step back as I fell onto my knees.

"This is how it should be," Perses shouted at the gods, "You insufferable weaklings kneel in front of us!"

My sister looked at me in shock across the battlefield. The shock swiftly shifted into a glare as she raced towards Perses. He looked up and grinned, "Come little goddess, let's see how you fare against a Titan," he taunted her. He turned to face her but at the last moment remembered something important or rather someone.

I picked up a warglaive and slashed him in half, his body disintegrating into a fine yellow dust.

"Who's weak now," I yelled out at the monster army, some of them were shifting uncomfortably as I stared at them. I held the gaping wound in my stomach as I held my head high. No one wanted to challenge a god.

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