Untitled Part 1

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Percy's POV

It was an usual day at Camp Half-Blood, the sun was shinning, the Demeter Cabin were in the strawberries fields, the Stolls were pulling pranks in the Aphrodite Cabin.

The Hephaestus Cabin were on the forges, the Apollo cabin were practising archery, etc.

I was practising swordfighting with Clarisse at the arena with the Ares campers surrounding us. She was doing good but she know she can't win. I got bored and performed the technique Luke thaught me, soon enough her sword was in the floor and Riptide in her throat.

-I won - i told her grinning playfully at her.

She glared at me and went to pick her sword on the floor.

- nice fight, punk - she grumbled and went out of the arena with her siblings following her.

After that i went to look for Annabeth at the Athena Cabin to hang out with her the rest of the day.

I found her outside her cabin talking to Malcom.

She looked beautiful as usual, her curly blonde hair was in a messy ponytail and her stormy grey eyes were stunning and intimidating at the same time.

-Hi, Annabeth - i said walking to her after Malcom left. I give her a peck on the cheek and smile at her.

-Hi, Percy- she said not looking my eyes.

I frowned. Was something wrong with her? Did i do something bad?

-what's wrong?- i finally asked her.

- We need to talk- she said grabbing my wrist and dragging me to the beach.

In five minutes we reach there and she let me go and faced me. Her eyes were shinning with pity. Wait a minute. Pity?

-We need to break up- she said slowly but her voice full of determination.

I feel my heart broking into a million peaces, my chest was full of pain. This was real? My wise girl was broking up with me?

-Why?- was the only question that left my mouth.

- I don't love you anymore- she said sadly - I met someone two weeks ago and he makes me feel really happy not like you that always brings me bad luck

If it was possible that my chest hurts more, well, it did. She was blaming me about Tartarus after was her fault that we fall to that pit!

-Fine, i hope you'll be happy- I snapped venemnously at her as she flinched.

I dind't wait for her to say something, i run as fast as my legs could to the sea ingnoring her screams to come back.

There was only person that could help me

My father.

Percy's POV

I swam as fast as i could, the fish bowing and saying 'My lord' while i pass but i ignored them, i needed to get to my father.

In matter of 5 minutes, I get to the palace that was rebuild since the battle with Oceanus.

I quickly pass through the doors but two merman stoped me

"Stop! Who dares to enter the palace of the sea God without permission?!" Asked/yelled one of the merman

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