My name?? : Raven

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I was just a kid starting a life and I always would go the way I want - no Knight in Shining Armor to save me- the normal life of living. I ain't saying nothing would go wrong.. Hell I know things would go wrong.

I was just starting pot of water March 9th 1996, just a couple more days until my birthday. Which my parents knew that but they refused to throw me a birthday party for a nameless child...

A couple weeks ago, I just asked a simple question that could be answered. " Well if you don't throw a party for a name less child, why didn't you name me?"

They looked at me like I just put my hand on the stove except their eyes were hot as the stove.

My water was overflowing and hitting my hand so I got on my toes and turned the water off. And put my pot on the stove and turned it on.

"How dare a child, ever ask there parents if they could name you. You don't get a name till your worthy." They spat the words in a unison and talked to me like I wasn't even theirs.

I went to my room and just laid on my back and heard the front door open.

I heard my Uncle Foss in the doorway but in the room were not supposed to be, my parents room filled will vials and injections of medicine. I wasn't ever supposed to think or say anything about that place. Which I couldn't say to a random kid or teacher, "My parents have vials and injections in a room right below mine." Cause that would be smart, right.

He must be talking to my parents while they are in the kitchen making food, which means I need to get down there and talk to Uncle Foss. I never liked him, he was always there and every time I asked what side of the family is he on,and he always answers like this, "Your a smart girl... Right your nameless... one day you will realize what and who I came from. And when you do, you will do everything in your power to stop me. And you might even meet friends... That's if they like a nameless girl as friend...Maybe," and he just sat there thinking," Right what was I saying, you will realize who I am but it would be to late for some people. Now remember don't tell your parents, child,"

My Name : RavenWhere stories live. Discover now