I lied

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" Dan I'm gay and I'm in love with you"
"Ohmygod Phil since when?" Cried an outraged Dan
' it's been awhile, I thought you knew...it was so obvious, I figured you had guessed" Phil said
" How could I have known...I don't know how to feel about this." Dan lamented
Confused Phil said " Dan...are you genuinely asking that, I couLD have sworn it was obvious.. I thought you felt the same way.."
" Felt the same way, what on earth gave you That idea??"
" We've been having cheeky butt sex since 2009!!"
Confused Phil looked at Dan..how could he possibly not have known, his Dick was all the way up Dan ass right now!
" but...but..you said no homo tho" Dan muttered, feeling slightly betrayed.
Hearing that Phil turned to face Dan, and with a glassy cold look in his eyes he whispered
" I lied"

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