I Was Here

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Yes, I do realize that this is short, and I feel bad about that. I will definitely post more. Please note, this is going to go through editing.


I sprint as quietly as possible through the Bureau, setting fire through my lungs with every step. Its taking all of my willpower not to retract into myself and find Tobias, but I know this will hurt him far worse then it will me. I have 10 minutes. Ten minutes to be in here, to finish what I need to do. As I reach the dormitory, I crack the door open before going in, but it appears that no one is awake. Tobias is stirring in his sleep, and Christina is incoherently mumbling. It kills me not to burst into long sobs and let Tobias know that I am here. Standing a mere 3 feet from him is the hardest thing I have ever done. But that isn't what I'm here for, and I know it all to well.

My hands reach for one of his old Dauntless sweaters, and as I pull it over my head, I grab a pen and piece of paper from my pocket and scribble down a quick note


Don't trust anybody. Not even those close to you. Nothing is what it seems.


I love you, and I will see you soon.

It's all I can do for now.

As gently as possible, I lay the note by his pillow, getting ready to leave.

"Tris?" A shiver runs up my neck, and suddenly my spine is an iron rod. I don't have to look to know that it is Cara. "Is that actually you Tris?" I pivot on my heels and bring a finger to my lips. If anybody else wakes up, this entire plan will go awry. In a last resort attempt to keep her quiet, I whisper "Please don't wake him up. Don't wake up any of them. It will only make it worse." I can't risk saying anything else; I might not have time.

I touch Tobias's face, murmur parting words, and dash out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2015 ⏰

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