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Harry's P.O.V

"Mm." I mumbled random words as I slowly awoke from sleep. My head felt really dizzy and my eyes felt puffy. I slowly open my eyes, to see I'm in a car, with two men?

I feel something in my mouth that I hadn't noticed before. "What the." I think out loud as I spit the dummy out of my mouth. "Who the fuck put that in my mouth." I ask angrily. "Oh look Lou, our baby boy is finally awake!" The man driving chirps, excitedly. "Good morning baby." The man in the passenger seat, or Lou I guess, says to me.

"What the fuck am I sitting in!" I shout, desperately trying to get out of the adult car seat? What the hell happened?

I begin shaking the plastic, trying to get it to release. "Calm down hon." Lou says, looking back at me. "I'll calm down when you tell me who the fuck you are and let me out of this thing." I state, continuing to try and get the latch on the buckle to open.

"You do not curse or shout at daddies, that's a no no Harold." The guy driving scolds me. "You are not my daddies, what the fuck are you guys psycho or something." I say back, now kicking my legs around in the seat. Why do they even make adult car seats??

"Harry why don't you just try and get some sleep we'll be home soon, and I'm pretty sure you don't want to start your morning off with a sit in the naughty corner now do we?" Lou says.

I try and reach for the door handle, but the straps of the car seat go over my shoulder, restraining me from reaching it. I get so frustrated, that I can feel tears threatening to spill from my eyes, I was in the hands of two psychos.

"Harry-" Lou starts. "Don't you fucking Harry me, stop this damn car!" I shout starting to thrash around in the buckles again. "Harry Edward Styles." The guy driving states in a serious tone, taking a quick glance back at me. My eyes widened, how does he know my full name??

The Lou guy attempted to put his hand on my knee, but I quickly slapped his hand away. "No hitting baby, that'll earn you a 30 minute trip to the corner." Lou warns. Why were they treating me like a baby? And how the fuck did I get here?

"Why are you treating me like a child?" I ask them, breaking the silence. I'm now relaxed in the seat knowing there was no way out. "Because, you are our baby." Lou says in a sickeningly sweet voice, making me want to vomit in my mouth.

"No I'm not your fucking baby! I'm no ones baby! I'm 19 not 3!" I shout, the men looked taken back but recovered quickly. They looked strong, a lot stronger then me, I had a feeling in the pit of my stomach that they would easily be able to over power me, which made tears swell up in my eyes.

The men just ignored my comment. I started to lightly try and unlock the buckles to the car seat, but to no avail it wouldn't budge.

"We're here." Lou's voice interrupts the silence. I look out the window to be met with a huge house. It looked very modern. Was this their house?

"You like it?" The guy that was driving asks me as he gets out of the car. I just glare at him.

My car door opens and Lou is standing there with a key in his hand. He unlocks the buckles, and almost immediately I jolt up, making a run for it. But I don't even get past the car before Lou wraps his arms around my waist, hoisting me up on to his hip.

"Um I can walk." I say as Lou walks to the door with me on his hip. "Babies can't walk silly." Lou states like it's obvious. "I'm not a baby!" I shout pushing away from his chest in search of an escape. "No no, none of that babe." Lou says pulling me closer to his chest. "I wanna g-go home." I barely get out, a tear slips out of my eye but I quickly wipe it away.

"You are home." The driver guy says as we walk into the house. "No I'm not! I'm not living with you fucking psychos!" I shout thrashing around in Lou's arms. "Harry stop, now, we're already here, no need to make a fuss." The driver guy says. Lou was really strong, his grip almost impossible for me to wiggle out of.

Lou walks over to the couch and sits down, with me on his lap. I try and squirm off his lap, but he holds me in place. I let out a strained whimper as Lou makes me lean into his chest, facing away from him. "Let us introduce ourselves." The driver guy starts. I just look away, another tear slipping from my eye.

"I'm Louis, but you address me as Daddy." Louis says turning me a little to look at him, but I look anywhere but. "And I'm Liam, to be addressed as Baba." Liam says smiling at me as he sits on the sofa across from us.

"Why am I here?" I ask, pushing myself off Louis lap. He shakes his head and pulls me closer. "We want to start a family, and we want you to be our baby." Liam says smiling. "No." I answer almost immediately after he finishes his sentence. Why don't they adopt an actual baby, I'm an adult not a baby.

"Sorry but you don't have a choice love." Louis says bouncing his knee a little, also making me bounce. I roll my eyes. "This is highly illegal." I say, struggling in Louis grip. "And don't even try to run for help, everyone in his neighborhood has an adult baby just like you, and will return you to us immediately." Liam says, getting up.

"Wanna get him changed Louis?" Liam asks Louis, grabbing me off his lap and hoisting me up onto his hip. I push his chest, but these men are built like the hulk.

I sigh before having a look around the room, while Louis and Liam exchanged words.

The house was big on the inside, from what I could see the living room lead into a kitchen, and there was an upstairs. Liam began walking up stairs, Louis walking behind us. Louis began pulling funny faces at me, me returning him with a glare.

We reached the top of the stair case, and Liam began walking down the hall, we passed a few doors before he stopped in front of one, oh god I'm scared. "You ready to see your new room?" Liam ask me, smiling. "No." I reply, making his smile turn to a frown. "Come on lighten up Harry." Louis says, pinching my cheek. I slap his hand off my face and turn away from the men.

I was really ready for Liam to put me down already, being held felt awkward. "Can you put me down?" I ask Liam as he opens the door. "No honey, babies can't walk." He replies patting my head. I roll my eyes. What the fuck did I do to get myself in to this type of situation?

I look around the room that we had just entered. And to no surprise, it was like a nursery. "This room is for a baby." I state the obvious. "Yep, just perfect for our little baby." Louis coos, a huge grin on his face. Were these guys being serious? "I don't like it." I say, wiggling around in Liam's arms. "It'll take some time to get used to it, but you'll eventually like it." Liam replies to my comment.
A/N~~ Hello lovelies! Comment and vote!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2015 ⏰

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