Once Upon A Time.

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Many stories start with once upon a time. This is one of them, only, its a little special. Its about me, how i survived senior school and what makes me who I am. Its wasn't before I met this carefree, almost retarded person that I actually losened myself up.

She stood there, by the trashcan- no I dont recall that meeting place but she says that's where it was, so it must be. Looking at her, I felt a little out of place. Where was I? And who was this shot, chubby, long haired girl? and why exactly was she smiling like she knew everything about me- from my clothes to my soul? But the unease passed as she started talking enthusiastically. Was this Jasper Hale controlling my emotions? Surely it couldn't be! Vampires dont exist. Or do they? I suddenly wanted to be around her more.

And so it started. We met every morning at school, starting with a "HEYY THERE!" and ending, out of breath after chasing little kidsfor half an hour or more. Eventually, I became the kids' "baji" and she bceame the kids' "baji's happy friend"

I'd spend every class, either sketching, or when the teacher was strict, waiting for class to end, so I could sneak out of class and see what she was upto, and surely, it would always be something animated.

During every lunch breakshe'd switch to my mother's role, scolding me for every "alarming" thing i did.

"Dont fall off!"

"Be careful!"

"You'll hurt yourself!"

and what not.

Sometimes, i'd deliberately do something dangerous, just to see the panic on her face, hear the hysteria in her voice.

And three years passed like that.Fooling around, teasing kids,talking about silly, irrelevant things and sometimes, having heart to heart conversations. Sometimes, i'd feel like an idiot saying something and we'd switch to when the internet didn't exist and she'd make me write it all down. Letters. And she'd write a long reply, with butterflies and teddy brears drawn in the corners just to creep me out.

Then final year came. I grew a little more posessive, wanting to slit throats open, of anyone who'd raise fingers at her (and believe me there were plenty). Final year drifted to an end. we had to say our goodbyes. She was a junior. After what seemed like an eterninty, we talked over the internet, and I promised i'd write about her. Being the arrogant jerk I tend to be sometimes, I dont know if i've revealed more than I should, but, I do want her to know,I'll remember her, always and cherish every moment spent with her, untill the very end.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2016 ⏰

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