Chapter 1: Randy was currently in his space cruiser Looking for Space Godzilla's magical flaming dildo sword. As he was getting out of his space cruiser to get the sword Godzilla used his super fire breath to kill Randy. But Randy used his condom shield and blocked the blast. Randy then conjured up his porn magic and killed Godzilla with his ball sweat spell. Randy took the sword and returned to Earth. 10 years had past since you last saw Randy and he was well respected among the porn community. He had a mansion in L.A. With his occasional bang maid Martha Stewart. He had broken up with Ariana because "She wouldn't stop singing during play time Damn It."Everyone loved Randy little boys everywhere idolized him, girls wanted to be with him, and regular people thought he was a cool guy. He got out the cruiser he yelled out to Martha "Yo M-stew lets go in the bounce house have a little afternoon delight." She said "K babe". And Randy met her in the bounce house and used the sword on her and they were happy until IT HAPPENED.
Chapter 2: While Randy and Martha were having sex in the bounce house the T.V. was on and it was official DONALD TRUMP BECAME PRESIDENT. Randy stopped the fucking and was flabbergasted and said "Oh Damn it Kanye I thought you had a chance." Randy couldn't believe it he also realized that Trump hated Mexicans which Randy was 1/4 along with German, Korean, a hint of dog and Siberian. So Randy took his spaceship and left Earth for the planet of Pornsylvania where he could live forever except he couldn't.
Chapter 3: It had been months since Randy lived on Earth. He was adored on Pornsylvania as all pornstars realized he was one of the best of their kind. He had heard some news from Earth like zombie hippie protestors, Bigfoot being real, and Trump being well Trump. Randy hated hearing about this but he couldn't do anything about it. Randy had been getting a lot of work in Pornsyalvania as he was the star as such films: Mad Randy Blowjob road, Terminator cuminsys, and his newest "The Force Hardens". But as Randy was shooting the force hardens. The news all of the sudden came out Trump was promoted to King of the universe because the galactic senate from far far away 😉 thought he was doing a good job. THANKS GEORGE LUCAS.and had a new plan ALL
PORNSTARS MUST BE ERADICATED FROM MANKIND. The planet of Pornsylvania Went amok. And no one knew what to do including... Randy!Chapter 4: Randy went home to Martha and said "This is the end Martha our kind is being eradicated from history". Martha looked at him and "Randy I know you and you'll figure out what to do. We've banged so many times I know that you'll find a way to please everyone." "But how?" Randy asked. By finding "Him". The "Him" she was referring to was the greatest pornstar who ever lived even better than Randy if you can believe it. His name was.....
"Ron Jeremy" Randy said. "But he disappeared long ago." Randy continued. "There has been a hardening Randy can't you feel it?" Randy looked down at his Junk and said "Well if you put on the Kardashians I'll feel it". She replied "No Randy he's here I've heard him when we bang he talks to me." Are you having Telepahtic sex with him Martha what the hell." "No well yes but no that's not the point Randy he's still here on Pornsylvania." "But how can I find him?" Randy replied. Martha said "He gave me this long ago when we still talked in person." "What is it?" Asked Randy. "It's a vibrator". Said Martha. "It will Vibrate the closer you get to him. He gave it to me if I ever needed to find him". Randy took the Vibrator and said "Thank you Martha I know what I must do now". "It's your destiny Randy. Your a COVAKS DAMN IT! Whatever the hell that means." Randy got his condom shield. Martha handed him his magical dildo sword saying "It's dangerous to go alone". Randy took the sword said thanks again and was about to walk out the door when Martha said "Randy can we bang one more time I don't know when I'll see you again. "He replied of course Martha." And they want up and down, in and out , and sky high and down low. Then Randy left with Martha yelling to him "May The Vibrations Be With You. And Randy started his quest... Again.
Randy Covaks II: COVAKSIER