The campus bitch is what people call to the hot girl who’s being hit on by many random guys in the campus. But as for me I got this title, which I’m not that proud of, by not having to lay around to everyone’s egg. Though I may say that what I do is a lot more different but at some point the same all in all; if you know what I mean. But if you don’t I’ll explain it anyway.
You see I’m a pretty girl and have a vuluptious body that no man can ever dare reject. In my little ways I could easily sway them to agree in my little yet ridiculous request. And some of that includes breaking up with their girlfriends and hang out with me. That’s how I got so well known to men and number one on women’s hate list.
I started this little hobby of mine for God knows how long. And at some point I regret my actions by seeing the girls cry out of their sockets. But to top that I’m just doing my race a favor.
You see guys would jump from one hot stuff to another knowing that girls would just bleed and pour their hearts out but learns to move on eventually. And some girls who’s had their confidence higher than their height would go to higher lengths to get the man that they want regardless If the guy’s got a girlfriend or not. I’d say relationships are just like a food chain whereas prey and predator takes it’s very useful role.
And you might wonder how on the hell I know all of this stuff? Oh well that’s just too simple to answer. It’s simply because I’ve been there and done that. I’ve experienced this "love chain" a long time ago before I’ve turned into this campus bitch. The only difference is I was at the bottom and watching the only guy you ever loved being taken away is the most agonizing part of all.
Well I’d just take you back 5 years ago before I had my title. 5 years ago when I was just Rodora Hale Monteverde who’s inlove happy and contented.